Sunday, March 2, 2008

The United States has always had an insatiable appetite for stripping different countries of their resources

Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki says Washington has always thrived on taking full advantage of the international community. “The United States has always had an insatiable appetite for stripping different countries of their resources,” said Mottaki in a Sunday meeting with Venezuela's special envoy Ali Rodriguez. “Washington believes the entire world must cater to its every whim,” he added.

1 comment:

  1. That statement by Iranian Foreign Minister Minouchehr Mottaki is absolutely correct about the U.S. Because the U.S. does exploit every nation in the world for its natural resources. It might be well be compared to a parasitic plants of the Rain Forest that live off its host the giant trees.

    Of course we have to realize that this has been going on for quite a while and the world was too afraid to challenge the U.S., but that time has now passed and the U.S. still believes that it can use its military power to threaten nations into submitting.

    But, both Iran and Vezuela have given notice to the U.S., that it will not be business as usual for them. This of course has angered the U.S. and that is why it threatens both Iran and Venezuela with invasions.
