Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Washington DC-based Chris Herz on Tuesday's edition of the VHeadline Venezuela Newshour on the American Voice Radio Network (AVRN)

VHeadline Venezuela News reports: On today's (Tuesday, September 2, 2008) edition of the VHeadline Venezuela Newshour on the American Voice Radio Network (AVRN) broadcasting around the world, anchorman John Sanchez talks to VHeadline's man in Washington DC, Chris Herz.

In yesterday's online edition of VHeadline, Herz suggested that Venezuela's Foreign Minister (MRE), Nicolas Maduro, rather than becoming angry with the attempts of US Ambassador Duddy to encourage centrifugal tendencies in western Zulia State and elsewhere in the Fifth Republic's territories, should instruct its Washington DC embassy to get in touch with, and offer, aid to the Alaska Independence Party (AIP) and its serving governor, Sarah Palin since such a move would be entirely in entire accord with USA policy ... not only with democratic respect for the rights of localities, but also with the international principles of reciprocity. Ms Palin figures as a stealth candidate for the AIP which advocates the separation of Alaska from the rest of the USA with the goal of keeping its vast natural resources, especially its oil for the benefit of the local population. Truly a worthy and honorable goal.
  • To participate as a guest on the live broadcast please call AVRN during the show on telephone number 800-433-1429 in the United States or internationally on USA 541-826-8732
  • You may also use our phone bridge to listen to the live broadcast on 218-486-7200 Entry Code: 361113
VHeadline Venezuela Newshour will explore eventualities on Tuesday's show to be broadcast live at 1.00 p.m. New York time on the American Voice Radio Network (AVRN) across America and around the world. You can monitor today's show on the Internet as well...

VHeadline Venezuela Newshour is broadcast on the American Voice Radio Network at 10 a.m. Pacific, 12 midday US Central, 12.30 p.m. Caracas -- Monday thru Friday -- (repeated the next following day at 3 a.m. Pacific = 6.30 a.m. Caracas)

The VHeadline Venezuela Newshour on AVRN

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VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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