Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Union leaders question imposition of 5-day working week at Crystallex' Revemin II and Mineras Bonanza gold mines

VHeadline Venezuela News reports: Union leaders at Crystallex International's Revemin II and Mineras Bonanza gold mines in southeastern Bolivar State are questioning a company imposition of a 5-day working week after a series of electricity power failures due to incessant rains not only in the Guayana region but all across Venezuela. are seeking to impose a working day Monday through Friday.

Sintrarevemin secretary general Dennys Ramirez, with representatives Marcial Gonzalez and Nestor Patete have flatly refused the labor reformulation which they say is in conflict with a collective agreement signed with Crystallex de Venezuela C.A., a subsidiary of the Toronto-based transnational. They say they have received a unilateral communication from Crystallex directors ordering a cessation to mine operations on weekends.

The Crystallex communique says that "after continuing heavy rains in the area of El Callao, as well as interruptions in electrical service" there has been a delay in the exploitation of gold "which has led to a decline in the mineral to be transferred to the plant."

Sintrarevemin says that rainfall and interruptions to electricity have historically been part of the company operations for "at least the past 20 years ... and this year's rainy season has been within the normal range, although in reference to the past two years, the wider picture has been more critical because of flooding ... but they have never affected continuing work at the mines."

"Crystallex' board of directors has no argument to justify the imposition of a 5-day working week on the production process ... their actions mean an alteration to what has always been continuous production with workers working in rotating shifts 7-days a week."

Significantly, they say, a similar approach has been implemented at the newly-nationalized Hecla plant although the reformulation of working hours resulted from a refusal to recognize Sunday working conditions (and 2.5% extra pay) according to the Organic Labour Act. They say that the decision to halt operations on Saturday and Sunday is a violation of clauses 4: Employer Labor Relations; 23: Holidays; 24: Work on Sunday or Holidays; 29: Bonds for underground work; 32: Holidays and clause 71: covering continued work under the existing collective agreement.

In dispute with management, the union leaders claim that the realignment of the production process means the introduction of new technology which would increase mineral extraction and consequently the transfer of gold to the plant but was never meant to cause any stoppage in work on Saturdays and Sundays.

Meanwhile Sintrarevemin is calling on Basic Industries & Mining (Mibam) Minister, Rodolfo Sanz, to break the gag order he has previously imposed on the subject of what is to happen with El Callao Revemin II since uncertainty remains as to what is to happen with the current workforce.

VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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