Monday, September 1, 2008

What's good for Zulia; Good for Alaska! A new demarche for Bolivarian diplomacy!

VHeadline's Washington DC-based commentarist Chris Herz writes: This columnist, in all humility, and with good humor too, proposes formally to Venezuela's Foreign Minister (MRE) Nicolas Maduro a new demarche for Bolivarian diplomacy ... one in entire accord, not only with democratic respect for the rights of localities, but also with the international principles of reciprocity.

Rather than becoming angry with the attempts of US Ambassador Duddy in his efforts to encourage centrifugal tendencies in Zulia State and elsewhere in the Fifth Republic's territories, Caracas should instruct its Washington DC embassy to get in touch with, and offer, aid to the Alaska Independence Party and its serving governor, Sarah Palin.

As you may be aware, Ms Palin has just been appointed by John McCain to run as the Republican candidate for US Vice President. But within 20 months, she has risen from being the Mayor of a small Alaskan town, to the governorship of her state ... nominally as another Republican religious wing-nut ... but really as a stealth candidate for the AIP. This party advocates the separation of Alaska from the rest of the USA with the goal of keeping its vast natural resources, especially its oil for the benefit of the local population. Truly a worthy and honorable goal.

Naturally, this has all been exposed by Internet journalism, not by the corporate press. We may see the videos of the serving governor addressing the convention of the AIP for ourselves on YouTube and at dailykos.

If Washington can advocate such measures for localities in Venezuela, or in Bolivia, surely it cannot complain if the Bolivarian Republic advocates the same freedoms for Alaska ... and then there is Vermont. In that state a liberal majority perceive rightly that they would be more prosperous, live in greater harmony with each other and their neighbors were they independent -- perhaps free to join with Canada. Shedding forever the pernicious influence of the US south-land and its bizarre religious and racist certainties.
  • Here too might be fertile fields for cultivation by Ambassador Bernardo Alvarez. And again, the US Department of State, aptly located in Foggy Bottom, in Washington would hardly be in a position to complain!
Speaking seriously, Washington's diplomacy is well described by writer and former soldier Stan Goff as full spectrum disorder. We specialize in the break-up of targeted countries on class, ethnic and racial lines in order the easier to loot them ... and we have hardly been able to avoid doing similarly to ourselves.

The United States of America is fertile ground for systematic work by hostile powers at its division. After all, Grover Norquist ... whose work is central to the ruling contemporary Conservative movement here ... says, openly, of the Federal Government that he "would shrink it until it could be drowned in the bathtub."

Let us by all means encourage these types to have their way.

Here in the USA. we openly wage class war on our poor and workers, we seek the establishment as state religion of bizarre evangelical Protestant sects, our view of the proper place for young Black men is the Penitentiary. Etc.

We can hardly complain if other nations seek to hasten this process on its way, thereby protecting themselves from a federal authority which is now no more than the agency by which the military and the police have grown to such utterly absurd and menacing proportions that they threaten the destruction of humanity far beyond our borders.

From the imperial capital,

Chris Herz


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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