Tuesday, September 2, 2008

MNLI's Alejandro Teran proposes Development Corporation of Guayana to replace the dysfunctional Venezuelan Guayana Corporation (CVG)

VHeadline Venezuela News reports: Bolivar State Independent National Leaders Movement (MNLI) gubernatorial candidate, Alejandro Teran is proposing an amalgamation of state-owned regional industries into a new "Development Corporation of Guayana" to replace the currently dysfunctional Venezuelan Guayana Corporation (CVG) which he believes has lost the plot as a regional development organization for the resource-rich southeast of Venezuela.

Teran says that central government in Caracas must cooperate with unions, workers and middle management to urgently design a development plan to substantially expand the state's economy, and he will formally propose a series of measures that Basic Industries & Mines (Mibam) Minister Rodolfo Sanz (who is also president and CEO of the CVG) should take on board to achieve momentum with all sectors involved to coordinate the new Development Corporation.

Teran points to the sorry situation that newly-expropriated Siderurgica del Orinoco (Sidor) is in with dramatic losses of production and depleted administration which he says must be reversed in time.

"We agreed with the expropriation of Sidor but serious investments are indicated and they should be treated urgently to raise productivity before they drop into the red just like the other state-owned companies."

"Faced with this uncertainty, there is only one option to avoid a substantial collapse in state enterprises ... it is necessary to implement corrective measures to immediately raise levels of production and to complete much-needed maintenance. That is why we are proposing that the government should intervene immediately to rescue the aluminum sector and share administration in which regional leaders have equal representation in providing solutions."

Independent National Leaders Movement (MNLI) gubernatorial candidate, Alejandro Teran was formally announcing the launch of his election campaign with a series of visits to regional communities affected by the depletion of the CVG's aluminum, iron & steel industries. He says he wants to see an immediate implementation of an Angostura accord which was finalized within the industry last March 25 which established a community social convention sealing a commitment to local communities depending on their needs and infrastructure deficiencies.
VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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