Tuesday, September 2, 2008

State Governor Francisco Rangel Gomez discusses raft of major issues affecting Venezuelan indigenous communities of the south

VHeadline Venezuela News reports: Bolivar State Governor, Francisco Rangel Gomez has met with local mining community representatives to discuss a raft of major issues affecting communities in the south of the state, with particular focus on Tumeremo in Sifontes municipality which has been wracked by a series of conflicts inherent in a process of conversion from mining to diverse local industries and the possible start-up of three major companies to generate employment to give them decent quality of life.

Araimatepuy indian Casique (chief) Pasiano Ellimam says it is important that a local hospital should become operational in a central location to attend indigenous people from all the nearby communities ... "We need doctors so that everyone can be helped when necessary!"

One of the major issues is the supply of electricity. Previous governments have neglected the south of Bolivar State and Ellimam says there has never been any maintenance done to electricity supply over the last 30 years and there is an urgent need to restore it completely. Insecurity is a growing concern for residents who have asked for more frequent police patrols. "Security is very poor and the police are almost never available when a robbery takes place or there is an accident.

In a State government press release, Governor Rangel Gomez says that faced with drawbacks, of which many have been inherited from the irresponsibility of previous administrations, he would like to give every encouragement to the Sifontes community. "We have an immensely big social problem here but I want to congratulate everyone for not losing faith." Taking notes of all the requests he received, Governor Rangel Gomez said that all of their concerns would be discussed with his next cabinet meeting to find early solutions ... it would be misleading to promise any immediate response but he pledged to visit the area later this month (September) and to "seek on-site solutions" to be implemented in the short-term.

VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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