Friday, September 5, 2008

Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- September 5, 2008

Minister for Women's Affairs and president of the Women's Institute (Inamujer), Maria Leon has made several changes in the Inamujer board of directors. While she herself will continue to preside over the Institute, which is attached to the Ministry, Nieves de Padrino will become vice president, Zenaida Hernandez general secretary and Norma Moreno and Celina Cavarca directors of plans and programs. The Minister says the new team continues to face many challenges and the reshuffle is to give a new boost to the process of including women in the Bolivarian process and to become a reference not just in Venezuela but throughout the continent.

State Governor of Falcon, Jesus Montilla has declared a state of alert in the coastal zone of the Paraguana peninsular because of flooding due to high seas. The State Governor says the meteorological process has forced him to take the measure and reports that 500 families have been affected by flooding ... "fortunately, only six families have lost their dwellings."

Guarico State Governor, Eduardo Manuitt has organized a protest consisting of a rally of 200 tractors belonging 120 agrarian producers in the State. The protest is in opposition to the recent food security and sovereignty law passed by President Chavez. Manuitt, a former government stalwart, has been expelled from the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) after refusing to accept a party decision not to recognize his daughter as the official candidate to the state governorship in November.

President Chavez has made Guarico State a political battleground accusing his former ally, State Governor Manuitt, of failing to push the agrarian reform and siding with local landowners. The tractor rally will undoubtedly confirm Chavez' allegations about his former protege, who has returned to the fold of his original party, Patria Para Todos (PPT).

Agriculture & Lands (MAT) Minister, Elias Jaua calls Manuitt's demonstration part of an anti-government agitation plan and states that representatives of the most important associations of producers do not share Manuitt's adventure. The Minister points out that there were less than 150 tractors in the protest and that 400,000 domestic producers refused to join it. Jaua himself has come under severe pressure from President Chavez regarding his Ministry and the National Lands Institute's (INTI) agrarian reform record in the agricultural State of Guarico.

The European Parliament has rejected a proposal to discuss the administrative disqualifications in Venezuela that prevent persons pending legal and criminal charges to run in the November elections. The reason for the refusal is that the matter is considered an internal affair of Venezuela and the parliamentary committee dealing with the debate has announced that the ban does not violate human rights.

The European parliament continues to be the center of a political offensive on the part of Venezuela's opposition and defensive strategy on the part of the Venezuelan government. Deputy Foreign Minister for Europe, Alejandro Fleming proclaims that the opposition has failed once more in its anti-Venezuelan campaign. Banned politician and current Mayor of Chacao (Caracas) Leopoldo Lopez has been prominent in a lobby campaign at the European parliament arriving after prior visits from opposition "roving diplomats," Milos Alcalay and Timoteo Zambrano. According to Fleming, the diplomats wanted the Euro parliament to send delegation to Venezuela to investigate the disqualification ban.

Caracas Metropolitan Mayor, Juan Barreto has signed an agreement with the Mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov to promote friendship and co-operation between the two capital cities. Both mayors also decided to exchange experiences in municipal administration, building planning, community economy, protection of the environment and transport. The opposition has criticized Barreto's trip, which they allege, includes visits to Barcelona, Rome and Frankfort, because of the size of his committee and the fact that he has only a few months left in office. The opposition has published a list of the entire group travelling first class and even ticket numbers. Barreto argues that the trip has been sanctioned by the Foreign Ministry (MRE) and that it has been in the pipeline for a very long time. Furthermore, he adds, the group consists of 8 persons and not 15 and they all travelled tourist class.

Patrick J. O'Donoghue


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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