Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Venezuelan authorities vow to keep anti-drug efforts

Venezuelan security and enforcement agencies and the authorities responsible for preventing and fighting against drug traffic throughout the country have intensified operations and implemented prophylactic programs that involve cooperation with several social sectors, communal councils and ministries, reported Rafael Sánchez, the coordinator of the Articulation and Prevention Network of the Venezuela's National Anti-Drug Office (ONA).
Sánchez said in the program 'Despertó Venezuela' (Venezuela woke up), broadcasted by the state-run TV network Venezolana de Televisión, that the government implemented throughout Venezuela the plan 'Siembra Valores para la Vida' (Sowing Values for Life) to lessen the impact of drugs, the Venezuelan state news agency ABN reported. 'We activated a network of complaints and prevention of crimes related to illicit drugs, with the cooperation of some 50,000 communal councils and up to 27 ministries, where at least one anti-drug bureau is working', Sánchez.

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