Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Venezuela ... in the shadow of all these calamities, NOT everything has been lost....

VHeadline Venezuela News anchor John Sanchez writes: It's been a long while since I backed a political candidate ... one of the many reasons why I have so abstained from supporting a Venezuelan politician is because of the recent trauma that we as Venezuelans face on a daily basis.

The so-called revolutionary government led by President Hugo Chavez Frias has failed us.

There is no doubt in the majority of the Venezuelan population that Chavez' Bolivarian Revolution. that we dreamed so much about. and fought so much to achieve with both passion and heart, has left us reeling from empty promises, soaring crime and with the highest inflation in Latin America. Our hearts are broken!

In the years prior to the 1998 elections that saw President Chavez take over a corrupt and broken government, the people of Venezuela sat around coffee shops, on park benches and in their plazas to talk about the emptiness they faced collectively, and to share how their tomorrows looked so hopeless and gray.

It was at this hopeless time in our history that many progressive leaders like National Assembly (AN) deputy Ismael Garcia (Podemos-We Can!) and Luis Tascon (Nuevo Camino Revolucionario-New Revolutionary Way!) walked the streets of Venezuela telling people that there was certainly hope to come ... that a revolution that was going to change Venezuelan history of Venezuela was about to emerge from the �llanos� taking wind through the Andes singing victory 'gaitas' (traditional dances) as it moved through the barrios.

And so, they chose President Chavez as their leader ... and with the help of the grass roots, and the support of many progressive leaders (who later joined forces to put together the most democratic Magna Carta in our history) ... WE BELIEVED!

But like the saying goes, "time changes and people change" and so, we now find ourselves trying to understand what happened! Worst of all we are left trying to make sense of how our leaders and their statements of the Bolivarian Revolution have strayed away from the path of the social justice movement and, yes, the revolution itself ... only to mirror the corrupt politicians and criminals of the past.

Today, the majority of Venezuelans find themselves feeling the same feelings of hopelessness they felt prior to 1998.

This time, however, its besotted with added feelings of betrayal and sadness ... they are prepare to fight for the pureness of their hearts and the democracy of the Venezuelan nation. This fight is not only for the life, the survival of the country ... but also for its pride.

And so, today, we find President Chavez and his clique of corrupt criminals talking about how the coming regional elections to take place on November 23, are the most important elections since Chavez came to power ... and how these elections can shape the country's future.

YES! I must agree with President Chavez and his gang of inept ministers and candidates and state that these elections are indeed the MOST important elections in modern Venezuelan history. The political climate is at stake, and the future of Venezuela hangs on the voters' decision on this fateful day.

President Chavez and his clueless advisors are trying to make out that the elections will be a vote of confidence in him. Using scare tactics to manipulate the people and by stating that if his hand-picked candidates lose, it will allow the 'Yankees' (USA-CIA) to 'finally' finish him off while installing a un-democratic regime to replace him.

The speeches by President Chavez' candidates appear to be written by the same imbecile that told now ex-Interior & Justice (MIJ) Minister Rodriguez Chacin that crime was down 50% and that the residents of Caracas feel that crime is NOT in their top-5 priority list of concerns ... all this while the Caracas Metropolitan area, especially Petare, tops the list of cities with the most crime in the western hemisphere.

It is clear that President Chavez, his political party, the PSUV (United Socialist Party of Venezuela) and his candidates have left the path of true socialism, justice, and revolution, to drive into the horrors of political suicide, trading away their moral values for the mighty ambitions of power and wealth.

But in the shadow of all these calamities, NOT everything has been lost...

Even though the Bolivarian Revolution has been sold down the river, there are still revolutionary men and women out there who are fighting for the Venezuelan people. Fighting for justice and equality. Fighting to end corruption and crime, while stabilizing the economy and putting people to work. There are still candidates in these regional elections who care about the future of our youth and children. People who will work hard to built hospitals, senior centers for our elderly and schools for our kids. Moreover, secure property to built sports venues for our youth, serving as a safe-heaven and a place to grow in health and community.

Today, as we see politicians selling their souls while betraying the people for fame and fortune, I'm happy to announce that there IS a man who has stood up for the people, who has never betrayed his revolutionary heart, who has always stood with the truth, and all this while fighting corruption, crime and poverty.

I'm talking about a REAL revolutionary who was cast out the PSUV for fighting corruption within the party. I'm speaking about a man who, when many of President Chavez cabinet where changing the color of their hair and buying wigs to disguise themselves as they fled the country, leaving the people behind and allowing a corrupt few to take democratically-elected President Chavez hostage on April 11, 2o02, while seizing power in a coup d'etat against democracy ... this man gave face and organized the masses to manifest and fight for democracy, our Constitution and our rights!

And, while he is now being excoriated by President Chavez and his team of idiots as a traitor, he remains with the revolution, and bringing true ideals of social justice, and continues the revolution that has been betrayed ... he has formed a new party.

Luis Tascon is a deputy, congressional representative of my home State of Tachira and today he is running for Mayor of Greater Caracas. Luis Tascon understands that corruption is something that simply won't go away on its own ... that the streets of Caracas won't clean themselves and that new homes don't just grow on trees.

Luis Tascon is a man who stands by his principles and convictions. A man who will NOT sell out to fame or wealth. A man who understands the need for adherence to the nation's Constitution.

On November 23, Greater Caracas will find itself with several candidates who offer different choices ... President Chavez' man and the opposition candidate can only offer more of the same, while producing nothing but misery such as they have done in the past. Luis Tascon represents Revolutionary change, social justice, economic growth, reviving the health system and cracking down on crime.

Caracas was once known as a beautiful city, the example of Latin America. In this election we have an opportunity to bring back Caracas' glory, to give the citizens of this great community an opportunity to prosper, while proving safe homes for their loved ones, decent jobs to maintain and schools for the children to develop their minds.

Luis Tascon has the right heart, background and passion to bring back the great Caracas from the path of destruction ... and in these coming elections ... the MOST important elections (as Chavez has already stated), we need to vote for a man who is loyal, understands the issues that hinder our great land, and who has a revolutionary plan to tackle the issues that Venezuelan's care the most about!

John Sanchez


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


1 comment:

  1. Now Mr. Sanchez supports Tascon...? It looks like he supports anyone that turns against Chavez and the Bolivarian movement.

    Mr. Sanchez aren't you a PUDIMOS (we would off) militant? Shoundn't you be supporting the GOLPISTAS like Leopoldo Lopez and Manuel Rosales?

    You are a traitor like Ismael Garcia , Tascon and all of the Pudimos people.

    Patria + Socialismo o Muerte! Venceremos.
