Friday, September 12, 2008

There'd be a squadron of pigs parked at a Venezuelan air base instead of a couple of Russian bombers (even without nukes aboard)!

VHeadline editor & publisher Roy S. Carson writes: Just recently I editorially questioned whether or not Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez Frias was losing the plot ... today I know it! He's lost it completely!

Of course, certain allowances must be given for the fact that Chavez Frias is indeed the constant object of covert and not-so-covert plotting against his socialist government...

The United States, Fox News and George W. Bush -- in their exhumation of Joseph McCarthy -- see red and redder under the bed and equate Chavez' version of 21st Century socialism with Stalin's slaughter of the Ukranians in 1932.

And ... while one can frequently agree with the sentiment usually expressed in the recesses of one's mind over the latest in a string of USA arrogances, it does NOT excuse the rhetorical use of "Yanqui de mierda" (and that's the somewhat cleansed literal translation!) coming from the lips of a firebrand national leader like President Hugo Chavez Frias! It certainly won't gain him many friends north of the Rio Grande considering the hissy-fit the United States got themselves into over Chavez describing Bush as "The Devil" at the United Nations General Assembly.

Problem is, though, that "Yanqui de mierda" is, perhaps, a natural comment considering the fact that the United States still has the damnable arrogance to deny the clearly proven evidence that they were the funders and the covert orchestrators of the April 2002 coup d'etat which saw President Hugo Chavez Frias removed from office at gunpoint and imprisoned in a Caribbean island fort on La Orchila for the duration of the coup attempt, during which USA-backed 'Dictator for a Day' Pedro Carmona Estanga tried to impose dictatorship and immediately did away with the National Congress, the Judiciary and the Venezuelan Constitution in one fell swoop ... all with the background applause of Washington DC, at least until the tide was turned and the Beltway Bullies were forced to begrudgingly concede that the popular will of the Venezuelan people had restored their lawfully-elected President to power.

The problem is that six years on from that show of support for Venezuela's democracy, the people of Venezuela are simply disillusioned with the man they saw as their Messiah, who obviously isn't, and has no personal ambition to become one either. President Hugo Chavez Frias may have -- as some suggest -- succumbed to the trappings of political power and become alienated from Venezuela's reality.

Its easy for his detractors to say that, of course ... but, personally, I believe that Hugo Chavez has himself become the victim of his own image and is caught in a trap where be believes that he has to up the ante time and time again to let the Stateside political and economic manipulators know that he is NOT going to be easily fobbed off as just another Latin American Dictator (for which the United States, historically, anyway, has a particular penchant).

On the home front, Chavez Frias is beset with problems in an administration that is virtually out of control. Anything even slightly approaching the usual checks and balances went out the window a long time ago, and if he could muster a professional and responsible team of government ministers, there'd be a squadron of flying pigs parked at a Venezuelan air base instead of a couple of Russian strategic bombers (even without nukes aboard)!

Most certainly, Chavez is still with the fond belief that even with a raft of incompetent ministers, ambassadors and bureaucratic riff-raff in his administration, the ultimate rescue will come from the Venezuelan grassroots in what he believes will be a tremendous show of support for his policies in November 23 local and regional elections! He may actually be suffering from the delusion that the Venezuelan people will rescue him in the same way they did in mid-April 2002 with an overwhelming latter-day surge of personal popularity that will -- somewhat belatedly -- allow him to purge the malfeasance and corruption from his immediate ranks...

Dream on, Señor Presidente! It ain't gonna happen!

No matter the volume or the plethora of "Yanqui de mierda" and similar expletives he cares to excoriate the Gringos with, Hugo Chavez Frias is replicating Ole' King Canute who actually believed he could command the tide to turn!

It is only a small price to pay, Señor Presidente, to bite your tongue and concentrate on the domestic front ahead of the elections. Let the security services deal with the covert coupsters, in their own inimitable way, and try to form lasting friendships across the political divide rather than to continue to dig your own grave deeper and inevitably end up entrenched in the "Yanqui de mierda" brown stuff yourself!

And we don't mean a jar of Longbranch Original salsa picante!

Roy S. Carson


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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