Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A perfect leader for the evil empire is a woman unwilling and unable to tell her own daughter "'Tis he who will have the fun, and thee the baby!"

VHeadline's Washington DC-based commentarist Chris Herz writes: In any normal country were a candidate for public office to suggest that biblical creation legends be taught in the schools on par with scientifically sustainable theory she would be laughed out of the political forum. Not so in the USA. In her successful gubernatorial election campaign in 2006 Sarah Palin, now John McCain's nominee for his Vice President, said just that.

This woman is entirely typical of and well represents about half of our remaining voters (and remember about two-fifths of US voters abstain, understanding correctly that the outcome of national elections, whoever wins, cannot but be disparaging to their interests) who believe in literal interpretation of the Bible.

Apparently her religious manias are so extreme that she has gone to the extent of failing to instruct her young daughter in the facts of life. But that discussion is for another paragraph. But, such prudish and stupid attitudes are again typical of about half the remaining electorate, and we will return in due course to this subject.

Her boss, Mr McCain learnt to his cost in 2000 the power of this, the largest surviving bloc of American voters when he was roundly trounced in South Carolina, losing his chance for that presidential election to the light-weight but Bible-waving Governor of Texas, George W. Bush. It is good to see that Senator McCain can learn by experience. It is not good, it is an agonizing heart-break for an American patriot like myself to see how low the once-Great Republic has fallen that such sectarian loonies now decide its destiny. But facts are facts.

It is left for us to decide how best to profit from the guaranteed incompetence, the bellicose war-mongering, and the totally defective, even psychotic misperceptions of any possible US government.

The first thing coming to mind is that the Bush presidency has damaged the Empire beyond the wildest dreams of its most adamant enemies, amongst whom I count myself. I am a republican -- with the lower-case r. This indicates that I believe in the republican form of government, not the laughably misnamed Republican Party.

I do not believe that generations of US patriots fought for the triumph of nobilities and elites. Like my own highly decorated uncles in World War II they fought for democracy, not for the Fascist ideals of the Corporate State. They were allies, not enemies of the Red Army of Russia, and gave thanks to God for every Nazi their Russian friends shot dead. And when they met their Soviet friends at Torgau on the Elbe they made that very, very plain.

But the helmets of modern US soldiers resemble those of their German enemies, not of their own fathers and of their grandfathers. And this is no accident.

For we are no longer, and never again can be the bastion of democracy. We are not the Great Republic of President Roosevelt's day, but only another sorry evil empire. One run by rich and corrupt corporate elites and their political hirelings.

Indeed, and I grant you it is true that certain factions within this elite are appalled by the incompetence and ignorance that has been brought forward by Bush and his anti-Christian supporters. They perceive the Pyrrhic nature of the "victory" in Iraq. And of all the other policy of this regime. So they uselessly seek to advance the candidacy of their reserve political army, that of the Democrat Barack Obama. But they've only themselves to blame for the debacle which is upon us.

For many, many years these very same elites have worked day and night to remove educational benefits from working-class persons. For many years, decades even, these elitists have thought themselves ever so clever in surrendering to the priests of these wacky Armageddonist cults the great mass of our people. These, our best and our brightest, the leaders of our government and of our commerce were quite sure such a policy would leave only themselves and their friends permanently at the summit of US power.

Before it was dynamited by Hitler's order the monument in the French Forest of Compiegne commemorating the armistice of 1918 bore the inscription, "Here succumbed the criminal pride of the German Empire."

In a similar decision, taken perhaps as long ago as 1968, the leaders of the USA cut their own throats.

We Bolivarians and Socialists must hope for, and more to the point, work for the victory in the coming US elections of John McCain and Sarah Palin. Let these persons finish the national destruction begun by George W. Bush.

A perfect leader for the evil empire is a woman unwilling and unable to tell her own daughter, "'Tis he who will have the fun, and thee the baby."

From the Imperial Capital

Chris Herz


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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