Thursday, September 11, 2008

Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- September 11, 2008

President Chavez has opened nine new integral health diagnosis centers (CDIs) throughout Venezuela. Chavez says people should not forget that in the barrios and villages and big cities people were abandoned to their luck under Capitalism, because health was being privatized. Comparing statistics from those of 10 years ago, the President argues that 95% of people now enjoy access to primary health care. "That is Socialism ... under Capitalism, health is privatized and care denied the majority."

President Chavez has dismissed the so-called $800K briefcase trial in Miami as a show piece. Chavez insists that the trial has been purchased by a group of businessmen, who are under a protection deal. Venezuela's opposition, whom the President now dubs "piti-yankees" (petite yankees), are doing their job, but, he retorts, they can never undermine the revolution and the Venezuelan people. The President also referred to the capture of three narco-trafficking kings in Venezuela, proclaiming the government is indeed combating narco-trafficking and highlighting the fact that the three capos captured were all foreigners.

President Chavez has confirmed that the new Interior & Justice (MIJ) Minister is former Deputy MIJ Minister Tarek El Aissami, and has thanked former Minister Rodriguez Chacin, who resigned two days ago, for all his efforts and successes as Minister, stating that the battle against insecurity, narco-trafficking and corruption must continue.

Bolivarian Armed Force (FAB) strategic operational command chief, General Jesus Gonzalez Gonzalez says the army has destroyed 190 clandestine air strips in Venezuela and the operation will continue this weekend, when the army hopes to destroy 33 more that have been located in Bolivar State. The operation, the General declares, is part of the war on drugs. The strips, he says, have not been authorized by the National Institute of Civil Aviation and the supposition is that they have been, are being and will be used for drugs runs to the Caribbean, Europe and the USA.

President Chavez has confirmed that two Russian TU-160 bombers have made a landing in Venezuela during strategic maneuvers around the world. Referring to the opposition in Venezuela, the President quips that they will be hurting even more when they see him flying one of the bombers. Chavez says the United States has placed Russia at risk by trying to encircle it, and Russia has responded the only way it can. Chavez maintains that Venezuelan Sukhoi-30 fighter planes will be tested in joint naval maneuvers with Russia sometime before Christmas. Talks with the Russians, Chavez reveals, took place long before the conflict with Georgia. At the moment, the Venezuelan government is working with Russia to build a air defense system and long-distance radars with respective missiles ready to defend the country. What is happening, the President insists, is the result of living in pluri-polar world in which Venezuela is a free country capable of striking alliances with any country in the world.

American Airlines, spokeswoman, Martha Pantin has stated that the company finds security arrangements at the Simon Bolivar (Caracas) international airport and others acceptable. Pantin declares that Venezuelan international airports are working well and the most important concern for the company is the security of passengers, crew and airplanes. American Airlines operates 10 flights daily between Venezuela and the USA using the international airports in Caracas, Valencia, Barcelona and Maracaibo.

President Chavez has launched the first coastguard patrol boat design built in Venezuela. The launch took place at the coastguard's base in La Guaira port. The patrol boat "Pagalo" will be under the command of Commander Oriol Ruiz Gallardo. The patrol boat is named after the Skua seagull that spends greater part of its existence at sea. The home- built boat is the result of a joint venture between Venezuelan company, Ucocar and the Dutch Damen Co.

Patrick J. O'Donoghue


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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