Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- September 3, 2008

Strategic Operations Command chief, General Jesus Gonzalez Gonzalez says F16s fighter planes purchased from the USA in 1983 are almost at the end of their days and he lays the blames on the refusal of the US government to supply spare parts and maintenance. Speaking to Las Ultimas Noticias, the General reports that Venezuelan technical staff have been working extremely hard to keep the fighter planes airborne but, he declares, the time will soon come when they cannot continue. Venezuelan bought 24 F16s and are currently between 12 and 15 are operational.

General Gonzalez Gonzalez admits that Russian Sukhoi 30s stationed in Barcelona (Anzoategui) are being affected by saltpeter because the Air Force base is near the sea. The General contends that only the paint work is being affected, and announces that the planes will be moved to a new Air Force base currently being built in El Sombrero (Guarico), where the Simon Bolivar Venesat 1 satellite will function.

The trial of Venezuelan businessman, Franklin Duran charged with acting as an undercover agent for the Venezuelan government in the USA will start today with the selection of the jury. Duran is accused of hiding the origin and destiny of a briefcase containing $800,000 and offering his fellow countryman, Guido Antonini Wilson money to keep quiet about the latter's role in carrying a briefcase with the cash from Caracas to Buenos Aires. Argentinean authorities seized the money on August 4, 2007. Duran has entered a plea of not guilty and if found guilty, could face 10 years prison. According to US prosecutors, the money was intended to finance part of the electoral campaign of current President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez.

The Labor & Social Security Ministry and the National Council for People with Disabilities will start inspecting several private and public companies in Caracas to see if they are complying with Articles 28 and 72 of the persons with disabilities law. According to the law, public and private companies should incorporate no less than 5% of its staff with people with disabilities. The commissioners will advise employers and employees about the law. Companies have been given an extension till the end of the year to apply the law.

President Chavez has ratified his government's support to Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo who has complained of receiving death threats. Chavez says any attempt against Paraguay's democracy will be considered an attempt against Venezuela and all of Latin America. Chavez reveals that there is constant contact between the two governments through embassies and intelligence agencies.

President Chavez has signed five agreements during his one-day visit to South Africa. The agreements are in areas of energy, culture, economy and telecommunications. The President maintains that agreements of cooperation with South Africa form the cornerstone of policies to boost South-South relations. The Venezuelan government, Chavez comments, is interested to using South Africa's storage capacity for crude, said to be around 45 million barrels and help it expand its refining capacity.

United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) vice president, General (ret.) Alberto Muller Rojas has announced that retired Admiral Orlando Maniglia will become coordinator general of the civilian-military front that has been functioning since 2002. Muller Rojas says the front has an armed structure and is based on the first document issued by the Junta in 1810 regarding the defense of the province of Caracas when it talked about the concept of the citizen soldier. "We will stimulate the concept and support the content and reasoning of the Armed Forces law that has just been promulgated."

Opposition Primero Justicia (PJ) Party is supporting two dinosaurs in its commitment to agree to unitary candidates. Los candidates are: former Accion Democratica (AD) and Alianza Bravo Pueblo leader, Antonio Ledezma for the Metropolitan Mayor's Office and evergreen Christian Socialist and former Congressman, Cesar Perez Vivas for Tachira State Governorship. PJ leader, Jorge Borges admits that the process has been a kind of jigsaw puzzle and calls on other pre-candidates to desist and respect the unity pact.

Patrick J. O'Donoghue


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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