Thursday, September 4, 2008

I would like to respond to the article of one your reporters, Mister Kenneth T.Tellis

VHeadline reader David Arvisais writes:
I would like to respond to the article of one your reporters, Mister Kenneth T.Tellis, about the recent death of an 18year old boy by a Montreal police officer.

First of all, in no way the so called ''metis'' population of La Belle Province is racist in any form of some sorts. The province of Québec is statiscally proven to be the most opened-mind regarding immigrants and their culture. The city of Montreal alone is proven to be the most multi-ethnical and multi-cultural of all Canada, way ahead of bigger cities like Vancouver or Toronto. They, the Québécois, understand better than most the importance of preserving and respecting cultures and traditions. The Québécois have been trying for 400years now to overcome the threats of assimilation, were today between 7 and 8million french/joual-speaking people are surrounded by more than 350millions anglosaxons. Plus, the Bouchard-Taylor commission proved without a doubt that they, the Québécois, were more than respectful and willing to accommodate with the foreign communities.

2nd, did your reporter happen to know that the brother of this 18-year teenager was already filed for burglary, domestic violence, grand theft and so forth? That at the moment of his arrestation, the brother was illegally gambling, violating the judge's sentence? That the young Freddy was sadly taken down when he tried to give a hand to his brother who was resisting his arrest?

And 3rd, did your reporter happen to know that Montréal-Nord is statistcally the most densed neighborhood in any cities of all Canada, and that it's population is also one of the poorest of the ''metis'', not immigrants?

Now that's bringing up the real truth.

David Arvisais


  1. Mr Arvenais, I think you are loosing your time with Mr Tellis...

    I suspect him to only read the Globe & Mail and to be an fan of Jane Wong...

    I also thing Mr Tellis never came at Montreal to write this panphlet...

    Mr Arvenais we (Quebecers) are so racist that we are the only place in the world (except Israel) where Jewish confessional school are paid by the states of Quebec... same for armenian school... and more...

    That is a big proof of our closed mind...

    Mr Tellis = zero credibility! He's doing conclusion before the inquire of the SQ.

    Mr Tellis certainly know more than anybody in the world what's really happens this night...

  2. I would like to compliment Mr Tellis on a well written and factual article on whats been going on in the province of Quebec Canada.

    Ethnic cleansing, bigotry, and racism...has been going on in Quebec for several decades now. The banning of the English language started in the 70's with bill 22, bill 178 and bill 101...and has continued to this day.

    Its actually a lot worse then Mr Tellis has led on. What’s gone on in Quebec is very similar to what went on in Germany under Hitler’s leadership. The only difference is instead of killing off anyone who is not French, the French politicians have removed all their rights. Almost one million people have left the province over the last 4 decades for a reason.

    Go do the research and you will see thats its much worse then you might think.

    Keep up the good work Mr Tellis. Its nice to know someone is speaking the truth about what’s going on in Quebec and Canada.

    Check out a few websites for the truth.

  3. “A québécois Fable as written by one David Arvisais, in competition with the fabulist Aesop”

    How can David Arvisais claim that Quebec is 400-years old when Quebec was created by the British who defeated the French on September 8, 1760? Before that it was the COLONY of NEW FRANCE, not QUEBEC as David Arvisais falsely claims in his response? Me thinks that David Arvisais is a propagandist for some Quebecois media group and is attempting to promote a falsehood as the TRUTH, hoping that he can pull the wool over the eyes of the world. Sorry David Arviasais your wool is 98% cotton or should that be coton in Joual? As for québécois culture, it’s YOGHURT, but that’s only because Quebec has a very large DAIRY industry

    But David Arvisais’s Fable goes even further, in that he now claims that Quebec’s Metis population of seven or eight million is being overcome with threats of assimilation because it is surrounded by more than 350 million Anglo-Saxons. Where David Arvisais got this information from is a REAL mystery.

    If Canada’s Anglo-Saxon population is less than 15 million as demographics have shown, and the Anglo-Saxon population of the U.S. is far less than 150 million, where did David Arvisais get his dubious figure of 350 million from? Oh, I know, he must have gotten that figure from the Quebecois government’s propaganda bureau, which is continuously playing with the census figures to justify it RACIST LAWS.

    I am sure that even U.S. President George W. Bush will be surprised when he finds out that the U.S. has a population of 320 million Anglo-Saxons. Of course that will be quite a surprise, when one breaks down the population of the U.S. into different RACES. Now David Arvisais has made the Hispanics, the Native Indians, the Aleuts, the Inuit, the Irish, and the Germans, who by the way are in the majority of the background of White Americans, the Koreans, the Chinese, the Japanese, the many other ethnics groups that together comprise the U.S. population all Anglo-Saxons. Now all of them will have to be informed that Quebecois have made them all into ANGLO-SAXONS. Now how exactly did this theory come about? Why, because these Métis in Quebec keep referring to the people of English-speaking Canada as ‘les anglais’ (the English), without taking into consideration the population make-up of all the provinces that constitute English-speaking Canada. Little knowledge is dangerous.

    Does anyone know why the Nazis passed all those laws which violated Human and Civil Rights? Because after the defeat of World War I, Adolf Hitler felt that the German people had been demeaned and in order to correct, what he felt was a wrong passed laws against all other RACES and LANGUAGES as a form of self-justification.

    Now we will move on to the Republic of South Africa under the Afrikaner Nationalists. Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd thought up the idea of APARTHEID as a means to hold back and step both African and other languages and culture. Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd felt that since the WHITES in South Africa which constituted a population of a mere 2-3 million, they were justified in passing off the APARTHEID LAW to protect their community, which was a minority in South Africa, which had a BLACK AFRICAN population of some 25 million. Does this ring a bell when one considers the québécois argument? Yes, it certainly does. The APARTHEID LAWS passed by the South African government of Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd and the laws passed by the Quebec government of René Lévesque is a CARBON COPY, in fact it can be considered an overlay when placed one on top of the other.

    It seems that the theories of Herr Adolf Hitler, Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, Monsieur René Lévesque and Monsieur David Arvisias are all in sync because to them, “The end justifies the means!” That is why David Arvisais considers the death of the 18-year old Honduran boy Fredy Villanueva from Montreal-North a statistic rather than a deliberate case of Cold Blooded Murder.

    As for the accommodation that David Arvisais talks about, it does exists, because if anything the Bouchard-Taylor Commission proved that it was unworkable, since Quebec’s Laws would not permit any change to the status quo. So, what David Arviasais is attempting to do is throw dust in the eyes of the world’s public by roiling up the issue and avoiding the truth completely. He has done this as a true québécois protecting his own people, and at the same time trying to make it look normal, which it is not. Quebec’s RACIST LAWS are in violation of the United Nations Human Rights Charter, which Canada signed on December 10, 1948. I am sorry to tell David Arvisais that his ploy to make the RACISM of Quebec seem legal has no basis in LAW and by that I mean the U.N. Human Rights Charter which Quebec provincial governments have been violating since 1974.

    German Pastor Martin Niemöller a man who opposed the Nazis all his life uttered these stirring words in Berlin, Germany on November 5, 1945:

    THEY CAME FIRST for the communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist.

    THEN THEY CAME for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.

    THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionist, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

    THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was Protestant.

    THEN THEY CAME for me, and by that time no one was left to speak.

    And now to quote William Pitt:

    “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”

    House of Commons, Westminster, London, November 18, 1783

    Finally, I will take a quote from that illustrious reformer Martin Luther’s speech to the Diet of Worms, April 18, 1521

    “Hier stehe ich. Ich kann nicht anders. Gott helfe mir. Amen”

    Translated into English:

    Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen.

    Finally, I well take umbrage with the sentence of David Arvisais:


    As I have already established there is not one iota of truth in all that David Arvisais wrote for the simple reason, that he used subterfuge as a means to totally avoid the truth from beginning to end. Apparently David Arvisais has no idea what the truth entails and coming from a society that is bogged down in falsehood, is still sticking to it in defence of his beloved Quebec and its RACISM.

  4. In the above message, the following statement is absolutely false.

    "The province of Québec is statiscally proven to be the most opened-mind regarding immigrants and their culture."

    Nothing could be further from the truth. Immigrants are forced to educate their kids in French. Immigrant store owners are prevented from posting signs in any language they choose. Gangs of racists like the "Jeunes Patriotes du Quebec" disrupt peaceful meetings by such organizations as Affiliation Quebec (March 2, 2008 at Ruby Foos Hotel) - I was there and saw it all. English groups in Gatineau receive death threats by telephone. Quebec "artists" call Stephen Harper a "Nazi". Jewsish synagogues and tourists are attacked by racist Francophones.

    Need I go on. It is obvious to all but the most blinkered of Quebec nationalists that Quebec is by FAR the most racist province in Canada. Rivaling the racism that existed in the Southern U.S.A. some 50 to 100 years ago, but that has now be stopped by the U.S. government. It is time for our government to put a stop to Quebec racism once and for all.

    Rob Brown
    Ottawa, Ontario

  5. A statcan study determinate than Alberta is the first province for hainous crimes. Quebec was below the national average and way below the Ontarian average.

    Also, french population in Quebec has been exploited by anglo minority for more than 200 years. High-payed job was only for english speaker. It took 7 years of violence for you to understood than French was exploited..

  6. Well i'd like to invite you to make your own mind about the Quebec by going there, but since it seems the langage here is inapropriate to get a franck discussion about the civilization that attend you there. It won't be necessary to talk further here. The closed minded english speaking quebecers of Montreal won't tell you an once of the truth, they'll tell you about some fabled show RBO made a long time ago to describe the "tyranny" they're victim of. Mais si vous avez quelques connaissances du français, allez donc y lire les différents médias et forums que l'on y retrouve. Tenez un bon petit extrait de mise en scène télé. :
