Monday, September 15, 2008

Crystallex does not hide its 'mercenary' and 'anti-national' position ... their only concern is foreign interests!

VHeadline Venezuela News reports: Labor unions at the Revemin Mill in El Callao are appealing to CVG president & CEO, Rodolfo Sanz, to quit negotiations with Crystallex de Venezuela and to order the return of the mill to the Venezuelan State.

In a report published in today's edition of Correo del Caroni, Natalie Garcia writes that "Crystallex is NOT very well seen by the workers and small-scale miners" and that the consolidated Union of Revemin II and Bonanza Workers (Sintrarevemin) has asked the Minister of Basic Industries & Mining (Mibam), Rodolfo Sanz, to retake the Revemin concession (which expired over a year ago) from the Canadian transnational Crystallex.

Sintrarevemin secretary general, Marcial Gonzalez, said that something must be done to return Revemin to the nation ... he is quoted as saying he believes "the transnational only generates a climate of tension that is not beneficial to the everyone that works there! He says there have been increased fears expressed over the recent suspension by Crystallex of discussions on a collective wage agreement.

General manager Luis Hernandez and industrial relations manager Enrique Rodriguez told Correo del Caroni's Natalie Garcia: "We denounce the unilateral and arbitrary decision by Crystallex representatives to suspend discussions on the collective agreement, despite the fact that it is entirely outdated and has the worst conditions in all of the Venezuelan mining industry ... with this measure their intent is to sabotage the reversal process by which El Callao Revemin Plant II should be returned to the Venezuelan State and they are thus creating a climate of conflict."

Sintrarevemin adds that "we want to alert the population of southern Bolivar State as to the magnitude of this arbitrary and illegally unilateral action by the transnational Crystallex, which once again shows a clear lack of regard for its employees; regardless of strike action by the workers and violations of our legitimate rights to a better standard of living, which can be ensured only through discussion of a collective bargaining."

Marcial Gonzalez reiterates his call for Minister Rodolfo Sanz to as immediately as possible to nationalize the Revemin II plant, "since the workers can NOT continue to negotiate with this transnational on any joint venture ... on the contrary we urge Mr. Sanz to review the contracts granted to the Crystallex consortium to exploit the Las Cristinas project at Kilometer 88, because this company has NOT complied with its commitments in terms of employment and social development, but has reduced the Revemin payroll to a its absolute minimum."

Sintrarevemin's Gonzalez refers to Crystallex management staff and says "at the Las Cristinas project they just keep poorly-paid guards and kitchen staff ... they have only floated shares on the stock markets looking for financing since . They do not hide their mercenary and anti-national positions, their only concern is foreign interests."

"There have been numerous confrontations between Crystallex and its employees in Bolivar State, especially with small-scale miners working in areas adjacent to the Las Cristinas project. In the case of Las Claritas there are serious claims against the company, which apparently has not done much to contribute to the welfare of the people abandoned even by municipal authorities."

"That is why Mibam Minister Rodolfo Sanz should reflect on what the transnational is doing at all when he promises to reorganize mining with social justice."

VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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