Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Bolivians and the Venezuelans have done well to rid themselves of the US ambassadors to their respective capitals!

VHeadline's Washington DC-based commentarist Chris Herz writes:
Jonathan Freedland of the British Guardian newspaper recently published a scathing criticism of the North American people, expressing his fears that once again a nut-case Republican will be elected to the US presidency along with an even crazier Armageddonist as his vice. And yes, this is probable.

Freedland further says, wrongly I believe, that because Barak Obama of the Democratic Party is known to be popular among Europeans this fact is damaging to his prospects.

But the modality by which this damage is really done has nothing to do with the likes and dislikes of the rest of the world. Indeed it should be quite familiar to Britons -- and other folks dwelling on the Eastern shore of the Atlantic. And perhaps they should better focus their criticisms a bit closer to home.

We see across all the supposedly democratic West an highly successful tactic; one which assures to the corporadoes the promise of indefinite control over their respective countries. And that is to co-opt with corporate funds the leadership not only of the parties of the right but also those which would ordinarily be social democratic. In this manner not only do the parties which could once have honestly and honorably placed themselves on the left now redefine their message to appeal to some non-existent center, but this corrupted and perverse leadership are sure to chose inept, treacherous and incompetent leaders who may be depended upon to throw electoral conflicts to the right.

Here, fielding candidates who are "Republican light" by the Democratic Party has damaged permanently the chances that this party can ever appeal to enough people to take power and still less is the possibility they might accomplish some program other than the standard US chauvinistic militarism.

Harry Truman once said "In a race between two Republcans the Republican always wins."

When people like Freedland criticize us let them remember that somewhere between 50 to 66 percent of the possible voters will abstain in our November election in the certain knowledge that all possible candidates will disparage the public interests in favor of those of private wealth. If God meant for us to vote, He would have sent us candidates. Besides, as Greg Palast (formerly of the BBC) has shown us all, the electronic voting machines can and will be rigged.

I ask also if this differs much from the idiocy promoted by Tony Blair's and Gordon Brown's "New Labour" ... or by the followers of Segolene Royale, Francois Hollande and others of that ilk in the French Parti Socialiste? The German SPD, too, is but a shadow of its once-robust self; facing a catastrophe equivalent to that caused by its having voted war credits to the Kaiser in 1914.

All these people would rather lose an election than embarrass the corporate sources of big money. When they retire from public life, or (more likely) are forcibly retired, they know a place is open to them on the corporate board of their choice and they can begin raking it in.

All that consoles me, is that in order to win any semblance of electoral legitimacy here in the USA the corporate greed head right must appeal to the most ignorant, religiously fanatic, and racist elements in the population. That is, the majority of those still voting. Thus each winner of the US elections in recent years has been more deficient than his predecessor. The policies favored by such people produce results such as those obtained by George W. Bush: Disaster for the whole corporate state. Looks like matters are not much different across the pond.

President Hugo Chavez Frias of Venezuela and his colleague Evo Morales of Bolivia certainly are well informed as to the sources of political power and policy making in Washington: Our evil alliance of ignorance and greed.

Never can the Washington consensus ever abandon their tested tactics of subversion, the subornation of treason, and the conscienceless exploitation of racial and class differences in target countries. And furthermore the fruitcakes upon whom they must rely for electoral legitimacy often push these elitists into yet more extreme and exposed positions.

The Bolivians and the Venezuelans have done well to rid themselves of the US ambassadors to their respective capitals: It would be icing on the cake to expel the rest of the embassy staffs as well as the offices of the major US corporations ... all are your intransigent enemies ... all provide cover for the subversive elements which exercise real control of the US state.

But clearly the obvious next move for our bold new empire is to precipitate civil war in Bolivia ... and this will surely now happen unless very proactive measures are taken among all the American republics of the South. First of all the Bolivian secessionists should be assured they may have some gas and oil, but it is NOT going to market through Chile or Brazil.

If these two countries cannot find the courage to take such action, then Venezuela must make it clear that she will offer to the FARC-EP in Colombia all the aid they could want in arms and money to open to their Bolivian ally a pathway for their rescue.

  • This news communicated to Brasilia and Santiago might yet stiffen the resolve of those there, these are not few, who can see the shape of things to come.
Failing this unity among those whom it must ever threaten, the empire will default to its tried and tested methods of exploitation throughout all of South America, which it always considers its traditional colonial hinterland in order to rescue itself from the consequences of the financial and political debacle they have won for themselves in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Abajo fascismo!

From the imperial capital

Chris Herz


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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