Tuesday, August 12, 2008

No one in Washington has the slightest idea of how to fight a major battle against competing Muscovite crooks

VHeadline's Washington DC commentarist Chris Herz writes: Thoughtlessly, the empire has attempted to use Georgia in the same way in which it used many another country in its glory days. The regime there was to be a surrogate to allow the conquest with local forces of important resources for our kleptocracy. With that country's soldiers, we were to be able to control the transit of Central Asian gas and oil to Europe and beyond.

But now no one here in Washington has the slightest idea of how to fight a major battle against the competing Muscovite crooks armed, like themselves, with nuclear weapons and determined not to allow any further penetration by our own oligarchy into their turf.

Besides, the new capitalist Russia is tens of kilometers from the battle zone. We are thousands.

The lights burn late in Foggy Bottom as the US State Department tries to find some way out of the tactical "Kessel" into which the greed and incompetence of its rulers has thrust it. But barring some mistake or failure of nerve on the part of the Russian leadership this is not likely to happen; there is not much the USA can do short of launching World War III and risking a nuclear holocaust to stop the absolute conquest of Georgia by the Russian state. And of course, all the lesser oligarchs of other former Soviet republics, from Azerbaijan to the Mongolian border have already, immediately understood this reality.

Long months, even years of Russian warnings that no further US economic and political penetration of the republics of the former Soviet Union would be tolerated were ignored by the ideologues and incompetents in charge of US policy. Now Moscow, along with Iran, along with even occupied Iraq, can perceive the strategic and economic weakness of the US state. Now Moscow will call, once again, as she has since the days of Catherine the Great, the tune across the whole of Southern Eurasia, from Ukraine to the Amur River. What looked, after 1991 to be a new world order, the end of history, is instead turning out to be a totally classical minuet of traditional power centers.

I admit, I thought that the bankruptcy of the USA would be revealed in its attempted conquest of the Iranian oil fields of the Khuzestan Province. But events surprise us all. Instead the decisive move was launched whilst the US fleets were in motion to attack Iran, NOT in Teheran or Washington, or even Moscow but in Tiflis! Imagine that.

But now a resurgent capitalist Russia armed with impressive oil wealth and an industrial infrastructure at least able to compete with that of the USA has opened with the surprising speed of a summer thunderstorm, and even perhaps against its own inclinations, a new front against the empire.


Short of risking nuclear war ... and crazy as are our Washington oligarchs, that they will not do.

There has been nothing to compare with this since 1908 or so, when the German Empire discovered that it had surpassed Great Britain in industrial production. Let us hope that today's rulers are wiser than were the national leaders of those days.

From the imperial capital

Chris Herz


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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