Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kenneth T. Tellis: Finally, great news for OLD Senator John McCain!

VHeadline commentarist Kenneth T. Tellis writes: Yesterday there was an article on the German website, Deutsch-Welle. It seems that Janina Boyke and her team of scientists at the department of Systems Neuroscience at the University of Hamburg wrote an article: "Even OLD Brains Learn New Tricks."

This is timely news for Senator John McCain, because he is going to need it in the coming months to beat Barack Obama for the US presidency, and if that does not work, then they can do a BRAIN transplant can they not?

Of course it would be the first brain transplant in the world.

So, that should help McCain quite a bit, because he has been bad-mouthing Venezuela's President and, of recent, he has been threatening the Russians who retaliated against the Georgian satraps forces that invaded the Republic of South Ossetia on August 8. But of course, there is a rumor that McCain is running out of steam in his campaign for the presidency and is lagging far behind Barack Obama.

What he really needs is to quaff some of that illegal Cuban Beer that his wife Cindy Henley is distributing in the United States the Belgian brewing giant, InBev. It might work wonders for him ... and he might, just might, begin to start thinking again.

Who knows, he might start ranting about Cuba or Venezuela being Communist again ... but that's old hat where McCain is concerned.
  • Of course, there's not even a chance that McCain can win the US Presidential Elections in November ... or is there?
As for the Financial Times' talk of an 'Emergent Latin America' ... why does anyone in the West think that Cuba would return to the days when Batista ran the show for his US masters? When the Financial Times talks of communism and Cuba in the same breath, they have things totally mixed up.

What Cuba has is NOT communism but Latin American Socialism. Note that Cuba permits freedom of religion, unlike the Soviet Union of yesteryear ... but its socialism is very similar to what OIL rich Venezuela practices? The real difference being that Cuba, being a small island country, does not possess the same resources as Venezuela. This could also apply to Bolivia and other Latin American states. Brazil has now come into the picture, especially so with huge undersea OIL finds on its coast.

The future of Latin America is bright and it will keeping moving until -- one day soon -- all of Latin America's living standards will match that of any Europe or the United States of America itself. Latin Americans are no longer the peons they once were under America's thumb.

There are so many educated people in Latin America that 'Cantinflas' is a thing of the past.

Neither the US nor Europe should get any wrong ideas that they can exploit Latin America ... the new Latin America is vibrant and the economy is stabilizing ... this is the new dawn of Latin American prosperity.

With men like Hugo Chavez Fries leading the way in Venezuela, her people never need worry ... because there is leadership here like never before.

Kenneth T. Tellis


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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