Saturday, June 14, 2008

In Defence of Marxism - President Chávez on national TV twice quotes Alan Woods’ book on Bolshevism

Bolshevism - the road to revolution explains the history of the Bolshevik party that brought the Russian working class to power in 1917. This book, written by Alan Woods, leader of the International Marxist Tendency and a British Marxist theoretician, is above all a manual on the building of the revolutionary party today, which takes its starting point from the experience of Bolshevism. With that aim in mind, it examines the lessons of the class struggle of that period and passes them on to the new generation of revolutionaries. A confirmation of the value of this work is that it has become a political point of reference for revolutionaries throughout the world. The fact that president Chávez is reading this book at this decisive moment of the revolution shows that the president is searching for ideas with which to advance the revolution towards socialism and the ideas of the IMT. Chávez used the book to stress various aspects while speaking to the PSUV leaders. In two events celebrated in the context of the internal PSUV elections for the candidates of Mayors and Governors, President Chávez - in front of an audience composed mainly of PSUV leaders - said that he was reading a book by a good friend of his, Alan Woods and held up a copy of Bolshevism - the road to revolution.

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