Saturday, June 14, 2008

In Defence of Marxism - Interview with Alan Woods at the Madrid Book Fair

The Venezuelan Revolution is an important point of reference for all who are fighting against imperialism and capitalism, for the socialist transformation of society. It is a great inspiration, but it is not yet finished and cannot be finished unless the landlords and capitalists are expropriated and the workers take power into their own hands. For ten years the workers and peasants of Venezuela have shown their willingness to change society. But they face powerful enemies: not just the oligarchy and imperialism but also the enemy within: the Fifth Column, the bureaucracy and the reformists who wish to halt the Revolution. One of the main spokesmen of this wing is Heinz Dieterich, who, under the guise of 'revising' Marxism and replacing it with a supposedly new theory of Socialism of the XXI Century, is actually proposing the old discredited ideas of reformism. In order to take the Revolution forward it is necessary to answer these ideas and educate the vanguard in the ideas, programme and methods of revolutionary Marxism.

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