Thursday, May 22, 2008

In massive crackdown, Venezuela's Environment Ministry (MinAmb) orders the closure of 60 unauthorized pig farms...

Some 60 unauthorized pig farms along the banks of the Pao Cachinche reservoir near Valencia have been closed down with immediate effect by officials from the Ministry of the Environment & Natural Resources (MinAmb) it was reported today. Carabobo State environment director, Fanny Rodriguez told reporters that the measure was in compliance with Presidential Decrees 635 from 1990 which prohibits pig farms in Carabobo without prior environmental permits. She says she has received numerous complaints in this illegal entity by the facilities for them.

Rodriguez says that the backyard pig farms are the worst pollutants, causing heavy pollution to fun off into lakes and streams from which public water supplies are taken.

There are approximately 200 authorized pig farms in center-west Carabobo State but, she says, less than 15 of them fulfill basic environmental standards laid down in appropriate legislation as per Decreee 635. "Faced with this situation, the Environment Ministry is enforcing the decree, to make these understand that, when they keep pigs in their backyards, they are operating illegally."

State environment director Rodriguez said that even in cases where pig farms had been established before the Decree took effect in 1990 she would be asking for legislation to require farmers to comply with current regulations stipulating animal living spaces, water treatment facilities and veterinary inspections.


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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