Friday, May 23, 2008

Environment Minister Yubiri Ortega de Carrizales is a complete embarrassment to the Venezuelan people

VHeadline guest commentarist Dan Russo writes: We foreign investors need to know the truth surrounding Canadian gold miner Crystallex as it relates to being a socially conscious and responsible company ... NOT the propaganda, rhetoric and outright lies coming from Environment Minister (MinAmb) Yubiri Ortega de Carrizales' office.

  • For years, illegal mining in Venezuela has caused much environmental damage that you are hearing about today.
Crystallex International did not cause, and will not cause, further damage as the wider public is being led to believe.

In fact: Crystallex has a modern mining system in place which is more environmentally friendly and safer. It has the equipment, knowledge, expertise and technology to extract gold while monitoring any type of leakage or further degradation.

  • Each year hundreds of miners risk there lives and many unfortunately die attempting to extract gold to earn a meager living just to feed their families and survive.
Meanwhile, Crystallex has stepped up to the plate and has built healthcare facilities for the people ... prior to this, the nearest hospital was 250-300 kilometers away. Additionally, Crystallex has built dental facilities, schools, water and sewerage treatment plants.

Crystallex is a fine example of what a socially conscious and responsible company is, and will continue to be.

Just think of the progress that could be made in this under-privileged area of southeastern Venezuela ... as well as employing thousands of people who want to work and where there is no other form of employment.

This is truly an area that time and Yubiri Ortega de Carrizales has forgotten!

Where the hell was Environment Minister (MinAmb) Yubiri Ortega de Carrizales when her people were literally digging holes and going to the bathroom outside?

Where was Ortega de Carrizales when her people were sick and needed care?

Where was Ortega de Carrizales when her people didn't even have clean drinking and washing water?

was Ortega de Carrizales when children needed to learn and there were no schools?
I could go on and on, but you get my point ... Environment Minister (MinAmb) Yubiri Ortega de Carrizales was silent on all these important and very basic needs of her own people.

All of a sudden her voice is heard ... I wonder what her motives are?

Ortega de Carrizales is a complete embarrassment to the Venezuelan people and indeed a very callous person. I wonder if she would change her ways after a few days of needing health care, bathing in dirty water and going to the bathroom outside.

The people of Venezuela must band together and protest ... not just for a day or two ... but until President Chavez steps in and approves the environmental permit. Thousands of people want to work and be productive. The people should choose their own destiny NOT Yubiri Ortega de Carrizales

President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias ... do NOT stand idle.

YOU can seize the opportunity and change the course of social-economic policy which, for years, has been ineffective is in your hands. The RIGHT choice is to put your people to work.

We congratulate you on your appointment of Mining (Mibam) Minister Rodolfo Sanz. He is truly a gentleman and knowledgeable. He knows the path to take is approving the necessary environmental permit. He would never lead you down the wrong path.

Allow Crystallex the permit so that they can continue to build the infrastructure and support systems they are committed to complete and to let your people earn their livings in a truly dignified manner.

Dan Russo


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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  1. Talking about letting mining corp. workers make their own living in a dignified manner?, Mr. Dan, Venezuelans are the actual owners of this Gold resource, the State can actually have its own National mining industry at the present moment and these people could actually be in total control of it.

    Always remember this is a golden opportunity given to a foreign company just like this company has given it to you as a shareholder or investor.
    In the same way that corporations can dismiss, terminate or layoff employees, shareholders and investors, sovereign nations have the power to do so with foreign corporations as well.

    Remember, you can't let these private and financial elites be your government,you have to speak out loud and clear as a citizen so your State can take control of your sovereign patrimony, do not speak out as an investor or shareholder and stop shouting up for what precisely Venezuelans feel, at this moment, dignified for.

    If Venezuela were drilling oil, copper, Gold, etc. in Canada, this opportunity to participate would also be subjected, regarless, to any sanction or termination under the sovereign power of the State of Canada in other words Venezuela would have to shut up, pack up and leave.

  2. My one big question is , Kry has been waiting for permit for over 5 years and was told three times it would be approved . Where was she when they said this ? Now after all was said to be OK , she comes out of the Jungle and disproves Permit . I think she is an opposition leader against President Chavez wanting to cause more trouble. It is very apparent she does not do her job right other wise she would have been up front and said she would not approve the Permit along time ago . I think it's about time for President Chavez to take a better look at this and not drag it out any more, enough is enough . 1 - All things are a go , permits and Taxes have all been taken care of . 2 -Permit comming soon , 3 -- Permit will be here by Easter ? Permit is Immenent ? This comes out of Venezuela . Does anyone down there know whats going on ? Anyone ???? This has been the Joke of the Centuery .
