Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oscar Heck: The "Great Fall of the USA - From the Inside" ... coming soon to a theater near you!

VHeadline commentarist Oscar Heck writes: If the US government dares to attack Iran, it will drag its people into the biggest hell-world that Americans have ever seen. I for one, will feel obligated to write against Americans in an ever more forceful fashion, against their murderous crimes, exposing their lies, their arrogance, their exploitive and criminal business and political practices abroad.

Since the Gulf War, which I experienced first hand for about 5 months, I lost all respect for the US government, and since the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, I have lost all but the minimal respect for Americans.

If they dare attack Iran, which is a healthy and peaceful country, I will lose all respect for all Americans and all people who in any avoidable fashion collaborate with Americans. Brits, Australians and Canadians (myself included) are on a similar list of despicable, ruthless, conscienceless people who elect psychopaths to rule their stolen countries, create their mindless jurisprudence-excused laws, multiply their soulless repressive policing forces and increase the number of paid murderers to be sent away to "weaker" countries to assassinate innocent men, women and children.

A recent article in The Asia Times, entitled, "Bush 'plans Iran air strike by August,'" states:

"NEW YORK - The George W Bush administration plans to launch an air strike against Iran within the next two months, an informed source tells Asia Times Online, echoing other reports that have surfaced in the media in the United States recently. Two key US senators briefed on the attack planned to go public with their opposition to the move, according to the source, but their projected New York Times op-ed piece has yet to appear. The source, a retired US career diplomat and former assistant secretary of state still active in the foreign affairs community, speaking anonymously, said last week that the US plans an air strike against the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). The air strike would target the headquarters of the IRGC's elite Quds force. With an estimated strength of up to 90,000 fighters, the Quds' stated mission is to spread Iran's revolution of 1979 throughout the region."

Why would the USA attack Iran?

Iran is no threat to the USA, none whatsoever. All that garbage about Iran supporting or training "terrorists" is basically poppycock, it is manipulated information taken out of context and shoved at high pressure into the feeble minds of millions of Americans, Brits, Aussies, Canadians, and others, like most members of the violent, pro-USA, paranoid, anti-Chavez mid-to-upper classes in Venezuela and around the world ... those people who are members of the exploitive ruling classes who have no qualm about attacking and sacking a weaker peoples.

Even if Iran were to develop a nuclear weapon, what is the problem?

The USA has nuclear weapons, so does India, and so does Pakistan, where some of the most "dangerous" "terrorists" are purported to live, according to the US government.

Why not attack Pakistan?

Why not attack Israel?

They have nuclear weapons.

Why not France or the UK?

They also have nuclear weapons.

Why not attack China? They have some too.

China? No, too big. France and the UK? Not worth it, they have no natural resources to plunder.

Israel? No way! Friends in arms! How about North Korea? They have nuclear weapons. No, too far away and not enough stuff to plunder. No oil. That leaves Pakistan and India. Nah, Pakistan does not have massive oil reserves, neither does India ... but Iran does ... so the story is invented that Iran is developing nuclear weapons ... and promoting "terrorism."

The USA is doing everything to distort reality so that they can steal the largest oil reserves in the world (apart from Saudi Arabia).

Venezuela is probably on the list as well.

We already have inside information that Chavez is in the greatest danger he has been in since the short-lived US-financed cup against him in 2002. Things in Venezuela are getting hot ... but so are things in the USA.

I bet that most people who would support or say nothing against a US attack on Iran think that Iranians are Arabs. Wrong. Completely wrong. The vast majority of Iranians are not Arabs, they are descendents of the Aryans and they speak Persian (Farsi), the main official language of Iran.

Just this fact tells you how ignorance exists in parallel fashion.

The most ignorant people will believe the biggest lies ... and the US government knows that ... and that is why they make great efforts to keep their citizenry ignorant. The more ignorant Americans are (and believe me, compared to most people in the world, they are very ignorant), the more they can be manipulated, the more they will obey and the more they will allow themselves to be taken advantage of and abused by the liars, the murderers and the thieves who run the US government, their churches, their schools and their corporations.

If the USA attacks Iran, Americans will get the surprise of their lives ... simply because the entire world will be forced to react against further US criminality and genocide (Afghanistan and Iraq). The world's population will not allow more innocent-people-for-oil to be massacred, slaughtered and maimed by the USA.

A US attack on Iran will be the last straw.

The USA is so accustomed to embargoing other nations, usually completely innocent ones, such as Cuba ... but what will happen if the USA attacks Iran?

First, some of the countries supplying the USA with oil will stop oil supplies to the USA and sell the same oil at a discount to countries such as China and India. This will cause a massive economic catastrophe within the USA (with waves hitting countries such as Canada, Europe and Japan).

Then, the USA will be embargoed by a massive world people's movement (soon to be organized, I suspect) ... embargoes against Walmart, McDonald's, any fast-food or restaurant chain, all US manufacturers and commerce abroad, all US-owned mass-exploitation operations such as sweat-shops and cheap-labor farms ... and US-based religious, diplomatic, political and scientific missions abroad.

All Americans and their collaborators traveling or living abroad will be at great risk for their lives. This will not happen overnight, but it will happen ... the time it takes to create a highly organized worldwide movement against US interests and against US citizens. However, there will be more problems, closer to home. Mutiny.

If the captain and "officers" of our ship are leading us, the crew and passengers directly into the hands of imminent mortal danger, and if they are lying to us in the process, will we, as crew members and passengers permit them to go ahead?

Unfortunately, most of us will say nothing because we are too far brainwashed and repressed and scared to say anything ... so we will allow ourselves to be led into the hands of useless death.

However, a few of us will have the courage to stand up and say something, even at the risk of being slain or jailed or tortured by the captain and his "officers" ... and that is precisely what is happening now.

I suspect that as we speak, those who have the balls to say something are getting organized in quiet, to later speak out ... but not necessarily only with words ... and that will be the beginning of the "Great Fall of the USA - From the Inside" ... coming soon to a theater near you.

This is not a reality show ... this is reality.

Oscar Heck

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