Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Las Cristinas: A more accurate version of the El Nacional article than that provisioned by Dow Jones earlier today shows certain discrepancies!

A more accurate version of the El Nacional article than that provisioned by Dow Jones earlier today shows certain discrepancies. The article in the 'Companies & Business' section of El Nacional is written by Eduardo Hendez Sanchez and is strapped 'Coordinating the protection of the Imataca Forest Reserve.' The sub-heading continues: 'The government will define the zones to be exploited by mining' while the main headline says: 'The (ministries of) Basic Industries and that of Environment will inform which areas will be permitted for open-pit mining'.
The article continues: Functionaries from the ministries of the Environment (MinAmb) and of Basic Industries & Mines (Mibam) have set up working groups to determine the geographical coordinates of the zones where the government will permit open-pit exploitation of minerals such as carbon (coal), gold and diamonds in the State of Bolivar, to make sure that the activity does not cause an irreversible impact on the environment.

In the next few days they will announce the details of the areas suitable for the extraction of minerals, said a source at the Environment Ministry. It is not known if the information will be announced in a public ceremony or by means of an official decree but it is expected "soon."
  • That which is clear is that for Mibam and the Ministry of Agriculture is that no exploitation activity will be permitted in the 3.5 million hectares which constitute the Imataca Forest Reserve in Bolivar State.
Concessions: In the decade of the eighties, 1.4 million hectares of Guayanese jungle were conceded to twelve projects for the exploitation of lumber, and in 19978 the government of Rafael Caldera authorized the extraction of gold in the green zone (clearings).

Environment Minister Yubiri Ortega announced two weeks ago that the Executive would not extend any more licences to exploit open-pit mining and, consulted on the situation of Crystallex said that the government had denied permission they had waited for for the last two years to exploit the gold reserves at Las Cristinas in Sofontes, Bolivar State.

Nevertheless, two days after her declaration, a source at her ministry, who asked not to be identified, gave assurances that the measure would "not be so radical" but that the intention was that the activity of development should not affect the ecosystem.
A month ago, the government began an exhaustive revision of all the mining concessions that had been authorized by the Republic and of the projects which are waiting to begin exploitation of minerals in the country.
A PDF file of the complete El Nacional
article is downloadable at:


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