Friday, October 10, 2008

A heartfelt letter from a previously diehard Chavez supporter....

Chavez and his government are sooooooooooo bad that I am going to vote for the opposition!

  • I left Venezuela because I couldn't stand the Adecos/Copeyanos any more ... but the truth is that of the two evils ... Chavez is the worst!

You said it all in a paragraph of your article.....what´s happening in Venezuela is all of that and worse...."

Crime is up! Corruption is up! The negative statistics are up, up, up ... and all the while, Chavez is seen to be fluttering hither and thither on his presidential jet delivering multi-$ millions to other countries while seemingly unable -- or unwilling -- to do the same for Venezuelan citizens who have been waiting years in Chavez' own mandate period, for fulfillment of payment promises made and still not delivered.
Chavez has betrayed his people ... he says everything the people want to hear, but is not doing it at all ... he is a fraud and a traitor ... and he is worse than a vendepatria (Quisling) ... he is a regala-patria (give away the country).

He has brought the country to its knees in every aspect...

People need to see for themselves before they ever dare say anything good ever again about Chavez ... in the United States and throughout Central America, I defended this traitor and deceiver ... now, I am ashamed that I ever defended him.

The international community needs to know what's really going on here ... the image people in other countries have about what's really going on here does not match reality ... it's quite unbelievable.

What is happening in Venezuela right now is everything other than Socialism...

Hugs my warrior friend....


  1. We'll find out on Nov. 23 who's full of it.

  2. With his continuing empty promises (how about the poor miners waiting for their checks while he buys submarines) and the price of oil dropping like a rock, Hugo's days are numbered.

    Sad, all the promise of the true modern socialist revolution fails under the weight of corruption from within.

  3. Well, there was Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution, which he put into effect when he thought the "revolution" had stagnated. It did not work either. Also, like you say, socialism can not be achieved if blended with nationalism. We all remember how calamitous national socialism
    was. Even though my superannuation suffers, I do enjoy the massive
    failure of global capitalism we are now seeing. The american century has truly ended.
    Thank you for providing information about Venezuela. Sadly I know very little about it otherwise but enjoyed reading that McDonalds has been ordered closed for three days. One wonders why not forever.
