Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Like the American Revolution from the British, Venezuela's Revolution in the name of Simon Bolivar is NOT going to be a walk-over!

VHeadline editor & publisher Roy S. Carson writes: Among the many hundreds of emails (some nice and others not-quite-so-nice) that we receive each day at VHeadline Venezuela News, is one from a regular critic Ed Dickson of Tennessee who chastises our "liberal eyes" on what the Chavez government is doing to his birth country... Ed continues: "Chavez has not done anything to my birth country and my family is NOT better off ... and he is running out of time and those who believed in him had to leave for Cuba."

Qualifying his position he adds "Chavez' socialism / communist party is over -- the people will vote for new governors, etc. and then his time is up..."

Another emailer writes that the dire moral, political and economic state in which the Chavez government has found itself is intrinsically tied to "the Venezuelan culture!" He writes that NOW almost anyone can steal (and get away with it)! Whereas, previously, "only a few had access to the grand stealing machine." He explains that in this way the "redistribution of wealth" ... really gets up the noses of the 'sifrinos' (rich classes) and, more importantly, makes the ordinary honest and innocent grassroots citizens of Venezuela very, very angry!

"Transitions, transition, transition ... that's how I see it," he says after spending six months or more in the border badlands along the Venezuelan-Colombian border. "The 'cultural machine' is so gargantuan, so ingrained, that it will only be the sons and daughters, or perhaps even the grandsons and granddaughters, who, over time and education in basic humanities, who will PERHAPS clean up the system!"

YES! We must first recognize that President Hugo Chavez Frias' original dream for a more egalitarian Venezuela, away from the crass inhumane abuses and exploitations of the previous fifty or more years, has gone completely off the rails ... NOT by any lack of ambition on Chavez' part, although he has been thwarted hour by hour and day by day through each every living minute of the last ten years since he was elected overwhelmingly in the December 1998 polls.
...and while, it must be admitted that some perceptions of what is happening in Venezuela may (erroneously) contend that Chavez' overall plan is to impose Communism in Venezuela, it is as far from reality as you can possibly get. Anyone who knows Venezuela and Venezuelans will readily assure you that Venezuelans are the least likely ever to be converted to evil Communism! It's simply NOT in their cultural make-up as a warm, hospitable and extremely friendly people.
At the same time, it is NOT to say that they are not capable of Socialism ... although the "S" word equate with Joe McCarthy reds-under-the-bed paranoia in many North American minds forgetful of the fact that their anglophonic soul mates across "The Pond" in Olde England have embraced the "S" word without throwing themselves in sheer desperation into the River Thames because of it.
  • And what about Sarkozy's France or Merkel's Germany, brimming over with social democracy in alliance with her CDU!
YES! Admittedly, Chavez does pal around with Communism's geriatric Santa Claus, Fidel Castro Ruz, and his rhetoric does, indeed, rudely cast aspersions on Bush's neo-nazi tendencies for world domination! But, hey! Should we be blinded to the lunatic current resident at the White House just because of some confused mythology that the "S"-word is synonymous with the provenly-antiquated "C"-word.

This is, after all the 21st Century ... and 21st Century Socialism is here to stay ... especially now that Capitalism (the other "C"-word!) has shown itself to be just as, if not more so, brutal than any Stalinistic version of the the former?

Setting aside the paranoia, however, we must recognize that President Hugo Chavez Frias version of 21st Century Socialism has run slap bang into a brick wall and it is mostly his own fault for NOT recognizing (or doing anything about) the saboteurs and administrational incompetents in his own backyard. He's been concentrating too much on what he strongly believes that Bush and his thugs are easily capable of ... and it's not as if Bush hasn't already tried his Texan darn'dest to dislodge democracy from Venezuela and South America (as well as the rest of the world) already!

Chavez' duplicitous mentors are keeping him more than busy with manufactured paranoia all of their own ... convincing the man, who is only human after all, that he's one step away from an assassin's bullet, a blade of steel in his back or a few grams of Semtex away from oblivion!

It's VERY convenient for the ministerial and ambassadorial traitors in Chavez' administration to "keep the boss busy" while they do their own dirty self-enrichment deals behind the scenes as through there's no tomorrow -- at least no day of reckoning to dawn on them before they debunk somewhere (most probably Stateside) from whence, conveniently, they may not be so easily extradited.
All the while, Venezuelan embassy officials shed bucket-loads of crocodile tears over the fact that proven terrorist Luis Posada Carriles enjoys luxury ex-CIA hitman retirement in Miami Dade County rather than face the horrors of luxury house arrest in Venezuela for blowing 170 or so souls out of the skies thirty odd years ago! Life sure sucks doesn't it!

Ed Dickson's fears for his birth country are indeed justified ... and, indeed, he has come up with the probable solution! The November 23 elections, at local and regional level, will decide what's next on Chavez' agenda.

IF -- and only IF -- he can regain popular grassroots support to finally implement the bottom-to-top form of democratic government to which he once upon a time nailed himself to the mast, there's a chance for his own, personal political survival.

IF -- and only IF -- he can be shown that he MUST accept the form of pluralist political support he keeps on ranting about, he will be able to get rid of the current dross that infects his administration and begin a new stage of 21st Century Socialism based on pluralist consensus --- which is about as far removed from Stalinistic communist dictatorship as you can possibly get!

Whay we DO know is that he keeps on harping about his famous 3Rs policy of (rectification, reform, reactivation) which has run off the runway already, quite simply because of the mass of scheming and false-flagged 'Chavistas' who've been gnawing the flesh of the very bones of his Bolivarian Revolution with complete and utter disregard for the ordinary honest and hard-working grassroots people of Venezuela that they're supposed to serve.

Like the American Revolution from the British, Venezuela's Revolution in the name of Simon Bolivar is NOT going to be a walk-over!

Our fervent hope is, though, that it will not take a brutal and bloody Civil War to bring about the necessary changes where all Venezuelan men and women are to be considered equal in the pursuit of happiness.

Venezuela, today, in many ways, resembles the old 'Wild West' of cowboy legend where lives, shackled under a culture of extreme violence and constant bloodshed, must be nurtured back to common decency and concern for fellow kind.
  • If Venezuela is, indeed, to prosper, the criminal gangs, corruption and lawlessness must be rigorously contained.

VHeadline Venezuela News reiterates its editorial stance in support of Venezuela's democracy, constitutionality and the rule of law. The government itself must be the leader in respect for democracy, in total respect for constitutionality and in total compliance with the rule of law.

With those ingredients currently missing, the question remains open if Chavez Frias is indeed the man for the job!

He's the democratically-elected President of Venezuela -- ALL of Venezuela -- and must therefore command (and re-gain) the respect of ALL Venezuelans who, themselves, must urge his full compliance with the tenets of Venezuelan democracy, constitutionality and the rule of law.

If he can NOT, himself, abide by these three, there is no hope!

And that is why we, responsibly, urge the President to set about immediately to implement his own 3Rs -- rectification, reform, reactivation -- and not to delay a minute or one second more.

Venezuela/Venezuelans need the remedial action and they need it NOW!

Roy S. Carson


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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