Sunday, August 10, 2008

Venezuela: Centre Against Computer Crimes

Venezuela will create a state organization specialized in the prevention and fight against computer crimes, confirmed an expert of the Superintendence of Services of Electronic Certification Saturday.
Niurka Hernandez told press media that the institution will be denominated National Center of Forensic Computer Science (CENIF), and it will begin to work in a few months attached to the Ministry of Telecommunications. One of their main objectives will be to achieve data and elements serving as a support to the Body of Scientific Investigation, Prisons and Criminalistics (CICPC) and the General Office to coordinate actions against illicit facts in the sector. Hernandez said that CENIF will be in charge of gathering digital evidences and carry out analysis processes in the cybernetic chain, a function at present performed by the CICPC Division against Computer Crimes. Among the most common via Internet crimes in Venezuela there are drug traffic, children’s pornography, money laundering and bank embezzlements.

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