Monday, August 11, 2008

Venezuela: 14,000 families have been waiting up to ten years for low-cost homes to be built!

VHeadline Venezuela News reports: The Venezuelan Guayana Corporation (CVG) is being urged to speed up the allocation of land for the construction of much-needed low-cost housing for more than 14,000 families in some 290 housing associations that have been waiting for up to ten years for the state-owned heavy industry conglomerate to come up with satisfactory solutions to deal with an acute shortage of housing in the under-developed State of Bolivar.

The CVG -- which is also responsible for economic and social development in the southeast Guayana region --- owns most of the vacant land that could be used to build at least 100,000 homes that are listed as being necessary satisfy local housing demand.

CVG president & CEO Rodolfo Sanz, who is also Minister of Basic Industries & Mines (Mibam), says the corporation is committed to resolving housing situation and his managerial team is working on a detailed inspection with housing associations to award of land and housing construction contracts. A major problem is duplicate housing applications since there are some 700,000 people on the housing register who would otherwise end up owning two homes!

In the short term the CVG is constructing some one hundred houses and has already has set aside resources for construction to benefit three housing associations that have been waiting for more than 10 years. Elsewhere in Venezuela, it is estimated that the CVG will delivered some 5,000 low-cost homes in San Felix and Ciudad Bolivar as a result of funding allocated by the National Executive.

Local housing association coordinator, Liduzca Ramos, representing some 746 families on the waiting list, says it is hoped that new housing provisions will be unencumbered since, she says "we are not looking for freebies from the CVG ... we do not want gifts that can be taken away from us on a (political) whim; we're looking for a prompt and resolute response from the CVG to solve our needs." Ramos says that they are close to formalizing the purchase of 62 hectares in Puerto Ordaz that have belonged to the CVG.

In Ciudad Guayana alone there are more than 14,000 families organized in 290 housing associations waiting for a ruling by CVG to make way for the award and sale of land to start implementing housing projects ... local authorities estimate that 10,000 new homes a year are required to solve regional housing needs over the next 10 years.

VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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