Monday, August 18, 2008

Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- August 18, 2008

During his visit to Paraguay for the swearing-in of new President, Fernando Lugo, President Chavez was accompanied by a group of Venezuelan working children belonging to the National Movement of Working Children (Molacnats). The children and adolescents had been invited to attend the ceremony when President Lugo visited Venezuela and met the group during one of President Chavez' Sunday radio addresses. The working children's movement is connected with a similar organized group in Paraguay called CONNATs, with which Fernando Lugo has had permanent contact.

Liberation Theology personalities, such as Leonardo Boff and Ernesto Cardinal, along with liberation writer, Eduardo Galeano also attended the inauguration creating what President Chavez calls a "mystical moment." President Chavez have said that with Lugo and his people liberation theology has been reborn ... "it is like Lazarus, now it is reborn from among the dead and is becoming People."

President Chavez held his Sunday radio address yesterday at the Captain Manuel Rivas Air Force base in El Sombrero (Guarico) from where the Simon Bolivar satellite system will operate. The satellite, currently being built in China, will be operational towards the end of the year. Science & Technology Minister, Nuris Orihuela says China and Venezuela are working on another satellite that will be able to map high resolution geographical images. At the moment, Venezuela has to buy images from other satellites. This second satellite will be built in Venezuela itself with Chinese help. According to an initial agreement, it should be ready in 2012. The Simon Bolivar satellite will fly at an 36,500 km fight.

During his Sunday radio address, President Chavez has reiterated his country's support for Russia in the current stand-off with the USA in Georgia and other parts of former Soviet Union states. The President has made it clear that any Russian fleet would be welcome in Venezuelan waters. The USA, President Chavez insists, is trying to block the new Russia that has risen from the ashes. Both Russia and China are strategic allies of Venezuela, Chavez proclaims.

President Chavez has announced that today Monday, August 18, he will deal with the nationalization of cement companies operating in Venezuela. The move, he says, is to recover the cement industry and to boost house-building in Venezuela. The President announced the nationalization on April 3, stating that it was important for Venezuela's development to recover all companies that had been privatized under the Fourth Republic."

According to a news report by ecological group Sociedad Homo et Natura, a virtual state of emergency is operating in the Perija Sierra (Zulia) where Yukpa indians and local landowners are fighting over lands. According to the report, local indian communities are banned from approaching the Brasil farm which has become the focal point of the conflict. An army checkpoint has been set up near a local community and only Yukpa Indians from neighboring communities are allowed in or out. Journalists have not been allowed access to cover the visit of Indigenous Peoples Minister, Nicia Maldonado and a representative of the national demarcation commission. The ecological group accuses Army General Izquierdo of being a spokesman for the landowners, and being abusive towards journalists.

Accion Democratica (AD) leader, Henry Ramos Allup has accused the main opposition party, Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) of breaking an opposition electoral pact by dominating candidacies to the Metropolitan Mayor's Office. AD and other opposition groups support the candidacy of Fourth Republic dinosaur, Antonio Ledezma. The UNT is supporting William Ojeda, who had to stand down as pre-candidate of Sucre municipality in Caracas. Ramos Allup says it was wrong of the UNT to put up a loser as opposition candidate to the Metropolitan Mayor's Office and states in no uncertain terms that the UNT is hogging the bill by putting up six of seven candidacies in the metropolitan zone.

Patrick J. O'Donoghue


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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