Friday, August 15, 2008

Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- August 15, 2008

The Venezuelan Association of Pulp (Avepa) has announced a 40.4% increase in the price of general school utensils for the coming school year. Avepa president, Rafael Perez adds that some of the prices are even greater with lead pencils increasing 79%, some copybooks 64%, while a packet of paper bond has risen 58.6%. Perez advises parents to search around to find the best prices and he admits there will be some difficulty finding some imported items because the petition for preferential dollars from the exchange administration board (Cadivi) and the reception of dollars for imported items were both delayed.

Finance Minister, Ali Rodriguez will represent President Chavez at the swearing in ceremony of the Dominican Republic President, Leonel Fernandez. Rodriguez will be accompanied by top level government officials, who " by their presence will ratify the excellent relations between Venezuela and the Dominican Republic." Fernandez will receive the presidency for the third time. In an official communique, it is stated that the two countries are talking about building a gas pipeline that will unite the Dominican Republic with its poorer neighbor, Haiti. The Venezuelan contribution will help diminish costs and permit a completed and opportune work.

Venezuela started the process of demarcation and title-granting of communal lands that will benefit 35 indigenous peoples. The measure is part of a government commitment to fulfill Constitution Article 19. The demarcation process will entail join collaboration between indigenous peoples, different ministries and the Simon Bolivar geographical institute. The following indigenous groups are involved in the project: Anzoategui (Cumanagoto), Apure (Cuibas, Pune or Yaruro), Amazonas (Baniva, Bare, Jivi, Kurnipako, Mako, Piapoka, Piaroa, Punave, Yavorana, Saliva, Narekena, Yanomani, Yekuana and Yeral), Delta Amacuro (Warao), Monagas (Chaima), Sucre (Chaima), Bolivar ( Arawak, Macuchu, Pemon, Sanema, Umak or Anitani and Wapishana) y Zulia (Anu or Paraujano, Bari, Yukpa, Japreria y Wayuu).

Indigenous Peoples Deputy Minister, Aloha Nunez reports that she had a very successful visit to Native American communities in the USA. Nunez visited 4 Indian reservations. At Lokata in South Dakota, the deputy minister learned about the positive effects of the government's winter fuel programme, which has been running since 2005 and undertaken by PDVSA subsidiary, CITGO Petroleum Corporation. At Cheyenne River, Nunez met with 200 indians and explained the government's policy towards indigenous peoples in Venezuela. Representatives from South Dakota and Alaska attended the first Young Indian-American Congress in Caracas.

The latest stunt of opposition students has been to leave piles of dung in front of the Comptroller General's Office in Caracas. The students were protesting the disqualification ban against Chacao Mayor, Leopoldo Lopez, who has been banned from running for the Metropolitan Mayor's Office in Caracas for administrative irregularities. The group organizing the event calls itself the metropolitan popular networks of the opposition.

The Venezuelan government has come out in support of Russia in its conflict with Georgia. In an official communique the Venezuelan government has welcomed the establishment of peace in South Ossetia. The statement maintains that Georgia undertook a military offensive in South Ossetia without any valid reason and that the conflict was planned, prepared and ordered by the US government, which instead of promoting the re-establishment of peace is stimulating aggression is on the part of the Georgian government. "The international community was witness to the recurring policy of destabilization and incitement to violence which the North American Empire is accustomed to practice in different regions of the planet."

Patrick J. O'Donoghue


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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