Thursday, August 14, 2008

Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- August 14, 2008

United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) leader, Diosdado Cabello has announced that the party media coordinator will be Vanessa Davies, who is also a member of the national directorate. Davies will be responsible for media events during the electoral campaign. Cabello points out that while the PSUV will accompany the government's media policies, it will focus its media proposals through the party's media committee headed by Davies. Yesterday, it was suggested in the media that Communication & Information (Minci) Minister, Andres Izarra would head the party's media committee.

The announcement was immediately pounced upon by the opposition as a sign of dominance of the party over State institutions. A day earlier Primero Justicia leader, Julio Borges accused Attorney General of acting like a PSUV flunkey when she stated she did not see anything illegal in the 26-law packet promulgated by President Chavez last week.

President Chavez has met leaders of the World Jewish Council. The meeting was attended by the president of the WJC and Ambassador of Argentina in the USA. Hector Timerman. The meeting, it is believed, was brokered by Argentinean President Cristina Fernandez. Details of the conversation between President Chavez and the Jewish leaders have not been revealed but observers say the aim of the meeting was to clear the air after Jewish sources in Venezuela accused the government of targeting a Jewish sports social and cultural centre as a possible destabilization center last December. One government source indicates that the Israeli secret service (Mossad) has been working in Venezuela for decades and had infiltrated the Venezuelan security agency (DISIP).

Housing & Habitat Minister, Farruco Sesto says the government has made an immense effort to improve housing in Venezuela and cites the Vargas disaster in 1999 as a major obstacle in the government's effort to get housing policy on course. Sesto claims that in 1999 dozens of thousands of people were left without a dwelling and that made the housing strategy very difficult for the government to fulfill. Recently, he announces, the government is investing almost 3 billion bolivares in 207 housing projects, which will benefit around 39,000 families. The Minister stresses that he is giving great importance to planning and contact with communities to ensure a satisfactory solution to housing problems.

Journalist and National Assembly deputy, Earle Herrera has countered an attack from the president of the National College of Journalists (CNP), William Echeverria that there are no conditions for journalists to exercise their profession properly. Herrera says it is a political position and part of a destabilization campaign, adding that there is no aggression against any journalists ... "the CNP does not present any concrete case." It is not casual, Herrera muses, that the owner of El Nacional, Miguel Henrique Otero has called for civil obedience. The journalist and other deputies have called on parliament to monitor the activity of Otero's 2D Movement.

After the meeting between World Jewish Council (WJC) leaders and President Chavez in Miraflores, Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro has stated that Venezuela condemns anti-semitism energetically and agrees with a dialogue of civilizations and religions. Relations with the Jewish community, Maduro says, will allow for a sharing of leadership to make Latin America a free territory from any type of discrimination. Latin American Jewish Council president, Jack Terpins reveals that the meeting was important and that Chavez has shown himself to be a great friend of the Jewish community. Venezuela's Ambassador to the USA, Bernardo Alvarez also attended the meeting.

The Patriotic Alliance (AP) of pro-government parties has decided to suspend the People's Electoral Movement (MEP) and Patria Joven from the AP for presenting candidacies of persons with suspect reputation. United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) leader, Diosdado Cabello says the two groups will be suspended until they resolve the situation within their own ranks. The measure is seen as temporal and as a result of a decision not to support candidates whose reputation is open to scrutiny.

Patrick J. O'Donoghue


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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