Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- August 12, 2008

Christian Socialist Party (COPEI) president, Luis Ignacio Planas says the party has agreed to withdraw the candidacy of Leicester Rodriguez to the State Governorship of Merida. The unity candidate of the opposition is former State Governor and member of Accion Democratica (AD), William Davila, despite the fact that according to COPEI, Rodriguez received 27% in a survey to Davila's 24. Rodriguez himself will now run as a candidate of the opposition to the Merida Mayor's Office. Davila is considered one of the typical Fourth Republic stalwarts.

Former Primero Justicia (PJ) leader and current general secretary of Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT), Gerardo Blyde has enrolled as the opposition unitary candidate for the Baruta (Caracas) Mayor's office. Blyde, who is a constitutional lawyer, has rejected as unconstitutional the political disqualification ban and announces that the fight against the ban will be brought to international instances. Blyde says that the ban should be erased from Venezuela's jurisprudence and legislation forever.

Opposition candidate to the Metropolitan Mayor's Office, Leopoldo Lopez has mounted a publicity stunt by attempting to enroll at the National Elections Council (CNE). Lopez has been disqualified from running for public office by the Comptroller General's Office for irregularities while Mayor of Chacao (Caracas). On being rejected at the CNE, Lopez proclaiming that the Venezuelan People's (i.e. his) human rights have been violated. The opposition is currently discussing a consensus candidate to replace Lopez.

The president of the foreign exchange administration body (Cadivi), Manuel Antonio Barroso reports that 300 importers applied for preferential dollars on Wednesday last, 500 on Thursday and a few more on Friday. Barroso made the statement during a special meeting of businessmen from Brazil and Venezuela.

As regards petitions from people using credit cards, Barroso insists that Cadivi is monitoring the correct use of the dollars received after they have been handed out. Offenders are summonsed a total of four times to justify expenses. Around 60,000 people have been summonsed for a fourth time to explain the use of dollars but 80% have not attended the call or handed in documentation such as receipts. Barroso says the mechanism is simple because people do not have to form any queue but simply present documents to show that they have used the dollars correctly and for the purpose originally stated. As a result of the monitoring, 47,000 people have been suspended from the system, along with 32,000 suspended in earlier summonses.

Minister of Foreign Relations (MRE) Nicolas Maduro states that for the first time Venezuela is building a food reserve to strengthen the domestic market for all products. The achievement, Maduro states, is the result of a effort by the ministries of food and agriculture & lands (MAT), as well as the trade alliance with Brazil. The Minister made the statement during the opening of food security and sovereignty sessions in Caracas with Brazilian business sectors. The Minister maintains that plans to guarantee supply firstly and food reserves secondly are advancing satisfactorily and are having a positive impact on the domestic market. The importance of the alliance with Brazil lies in the integration of scientific, technological and industrial capacities, which, the Minister insists, is pushing Venezuela towards becoming a food power.

It would appear that the opposition is attempting to sabotage several pro-government candidacies claiming that the candidates are breaking the electoral law by running for posts in districts where they are not resident. The law states that candidates must have lived in the area for three years. The measure could affect the candidacies of Jesse Chacon in Sucre (Caracas) and Jorge Rodriguez in Libertador (Caracas).

Patrick J. O'Donoghue


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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