Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kenneth T. Tellis: Is this George W. Bush’s attempt to create confusion and stay on as a dictator?

VHeadline commentarist Kenneth T. Tellis writes: The attack on South Ossetia by Georgian forces after giving an assurance that there would be no invasion or attack by President Mikheil Saskashvili, not a preemptive strike to begin anew the COLD WAR?

Well everyone had expected George W. Bush to make a last ditch attempt to hold on to U.S. under emergency powers and nullify the November U.S. Presidential Elections? Well, that move was made by the Georgia, a U.S. puppet state in the Caucasus with its attack on the Republic of South Ossetia.

The massing of a U.S. armada in the Middle East means that something is underway and that the U.S. has plans to start World War III.

The U.S. Fourth Fleet is already in operation in Latin America, and if my guess is right, there is going to be a U.S. invasion of both Iran and Venezuela. After all what has a country that is already bankrupt got to lose?

The answer to that question is NOTHING!

This maybe a last hurrah for the Bush regime, but it will bring with it death and destruction to millions of people. Of course there is a comparison between Napoleon Bonaparte’s Waterloo and George W. Bush’s grand plans for World Domination. This is to all intents and purposes definitely a gamble that is George W. Bush’s to lose as Napoleon Bonaparte’s lost WATERLOO.

In a sense the Georgian invasion of South Ossetia was a PEARL HARBOR in disguise, because the distraction of the Olympics was there to cover it up. The ploy was to make it look like Russia was to blame, but it was all to clear that the U.S. was behind the whole scheme.

Kenneth T. Tellis


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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