Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kenneth T. Tellis: Disinformation! Disinformation! Disinformation!

VHeadline commentarist Kenneth T. Tellis writes: It has been a standard US government policy to deliberately use the news media to spread disinformation.

When the US government found that the coup d’etat that had arranged for Hugo Chavez Frias failed it began a campaign of disinformation which has continued till the present time. Even the referendum of December last had elements of disinformation deliberately put on radio and TV right across the US. But that was not all, their Venezuelan surrogate were active and used every means to dissuade people from giving their support to changes for the better that Hugo Chavez wanted to pass into law.

These stooges of Yanqui imperialism left no stone unturned in their efforts to bring down a government that was in the service of the people of Venezuela. They were in effect agents provocateurs working on behalf of the US government and US based corporations.

Note even the US Special Forces raid on the FARC camp in Ecuador was made to look as if it was legal, when it was really an unprovoked attack on the sovereignty of the Ecuadorian Republic. But the disinformation on this criminal act by the Bush regime on Ecuador was made to look like a triumph for justice, the exact opposite of what had been an invasion into Ecuador. Of course that was followed by more disinformation about some Laptop computers being found at the site where members of FARC were ambushed and killed by US Special Forces on March 1, 2008.

The unprovoked attack on the Republic South Ossetia by the Georgian armed forces last Friday, was proof that there was no intention of Georgia to ever negotiate with South Ossetia. Now there is evidence that the order for the attack by Georgia on the Republic of South Ossetia came directly from the Bush regime.

When the Russian army countered the Georgian attack and soundly defeat the Georgian satrap of George W. Bush, the USA started a campaign of disinformation to counter the truth. It accused the Russians of making an unprovoked attack on Georgia, when the reality was that Georgia had attacked the Republic of South Ossetia in an attempt to annex the territory.

The Russian army not only routed the Georgia army which was US-trained but sent them reeling headlong into a general retreat, leaving behind most of their US-manufactured equipment. But again the US media joined in the campaign of deliberate deception, among these were CNN and FOX NEWS.

After that came the Republican Presidential Candidate John (Hanoi Hilton) McCain with idle threats that the Russians would pay for their aggression against Georgia. That was followed by White House resident George W. Bush, who kept up the disinformation campaign and warned Russia about its aggression that never was. But into the fray, the door-knob of the US Department of State one Condolencia Rice began by falsely accusing Russia of unprovoked aggression against Georgia, another falsehood a la the Bush regime.

Perhaps one day soon the Bush regime will be made to answer for all its deliberate disinformation to the world. Who knows it might come as a result of the Republican Candidate for President being beaten at the polls.

That would be a positive change for the United States of America ... but a lot depends on the American people accepting the reality of the situation that the Bush regime hoodwinked them for the last eight years, into believing a pack of lies.

Kenneth T. Tellis


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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