Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Venezuela has an enormous wind power potential

Almost 4,000 kilometers of coast to the north of Venezuela are more than enough to establish wind farms, able to produce one of the cleanest types of energy. Engineer Helbrist Romero, the head of Projects of the Center for the Study of Renewable Energy Sources at Simón Bolívar University, commented that the university is taking part in wind power projects in island Margarita and western Falcón and Zulia states. 'There is much possibility of expanding the commissioning of wind farms, mostly on the country's coast, due to the wind resource abundance, which, incidentally, has not been exploited. We can get much benefit from the wind we have on the coast,' said the expert. The engineer noted that wind power is clean 'because there is no consumption of natural resources. The wind will be always present and you will not deplete it, unlike coal and oil.' However, he warned, 'electric power generation based on the wind is expensive. However, as you realize that what you invest is for the sake of the environment, it is definitely worthwhile.' There are in Venezuelan government plans to have four wind farms by 2013.

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