Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Oscar Heck: USA is playing with hot oil when it comes to further subversive intervention in Venezuela

VHeadline commentarist Oscar Heck writes: In Monday's news, one can read several articles about a US military aircraft recently entering Venezuelan territory without permission. According to at least one article, the pilot ... was not aware that he was over Venezuelan territory.€

One headline, already taking sides, reads, "Navy plane strays over Venezuela" (Fabiola Sanchez, Associated Press: San Fransico Chronicle, May 20, 2008).


Venezuelan Defense Minister Gustavo Rangel said that "This was a deliberate action. It is another link in the chain of provocations."

I agree 100%.

When Canadians blindly entered into the Canada-USA "free trade" agreement, Canadians were stupid enough to believe that the Americans would uphold their part of the bargain. In the softwood lumber industry (which I worked in), the USA illegitimately and unilaterally bilked Canada for over $5 billion in duties.

You cannot trust Americans.

In 2003 Americans lied about Saddam Hussein having so-called weapons of mass destruction … you cannot trust Americans.

About 9/11 ... can you trust what the Americans say?

Not me. Not millions, perhaps billions of people worldwide.

My father says to me, "But you can't say that ... you can't say that all Americans cannot be trusted." I say bull. When I was growing up, my father used to say, "No commie," as he used to call them, "can be trusted."

Another old friend of mine hates all Jews. Today, millions of so-called westerners easily reiterate, "All Muslims are terrorists or terrorist supporters" ... or ... "All 'Pakis' stink."

In the bible, it is said, "No Ammonite or Maobite ... or any off their descendents, even in the tenth generation ... may be included in the Lord's people (Deut. 23:3) ... and ... 'She has fallen! Great Babylon has fallen! She is now haunted by demons and unclean spirits; all kinds of filth and hateful birds live in her' (Revelations 18:2).

May I now generalize again?

I have never met one American who wouldn't sell his or her mother or brother or sister or aunt or father or grandmother or nephew or niece or friend or acquaintance or co-worker for dollars if he or she were at the brink of despair. Of course I am biased ... I lived the Gulf War and saw with my own eyes what the Americans did to thousands of innocent men, women and children ... for money. I lived it first hand and I shall never forget. I can generalize.

Americans cannot be trusted.

The USA is playing with hot oil when it comes to further subversive intervention in Venezuela. If I were Chavez, Venezuela's president, I would throw out the US embassy in Venezuela immediately and shut their doors permanently ... and deal with the repercussions later (repercussions such as technological and economic embargoes).

Enough is enough. The USA has been lying though their teeth about Chavez and about Venezuela and Venezuelans for over 9 years now ... since Chavez has been in power.

I helped restructure a world-renown Canadian company which was later sold to Americans with the condition that they would not lay-off any employees and that they would keep production in Canada permanently. Within a period of one year, they had laid-off over 100 people (of about 500) and had begun to look at Mexico for 'cheap-labor' sub-contract manufacturing.

Liars and exploiters.

And now ... the US military pilot says that he did not know he was flying over Venezuelan territory?

My eye.

What he was in fact doing, I would say, is 'testing the waters' or 'teasing' to see just how Venezuela would react, how quickly and in what capacity.

This is exactly the tactic which the US military used in Iraq after the Gulf War. I lived in the region from 1990 to 1996 and flew with special flights between many of the countries in the region ... and it was regular practice for US militarry fighter and reconnaissance aircraft to fly into Iraq over and past the so-called no-fly-zone in order to instigate reactions from the Iraqi government in preparation for future military operations against Iraq (the invasion of 2003).

Americans are ruthless ... but not stupid ... but neither are Venezuelans.

Americans cannot be trusted ... and neither can anyone who colllaborates with Americans, especially in the field of military, policing, intelligence and communications work.

Oscar Heck

Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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