Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Millions of dollars in stolen merchandise then shipped from Miami to Venezuela etc

'I don't think the general public knows how many tractor-trailers are stolen how much money is going out the back door it affects everybody,' Kaiser said. 'Most of it heads down into Southeast Florida, Hialeah and Miami,' Capt. Bibb said.
Investigators have tracked millions of dollars in stolen merchandise that has been stolen elsewhere, driven to South Florida then it was shipped from Miami to Venezuela, Costa Rica, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, the Dominican Republic and Paraguay.
'People don't realize the threat we have to our American economy through this cargo theft,' Marion County Sheriff Ed Dean said. 'And it will continue and it will get worse and it will get more violent.'
'We have documented sources where people who are buying the stolen merchandise have ties to terrorist countries and terrorist nations,' Lt. Twan Uptgrow of Miami-Dade TOMCATS told WFOR-TV.

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