Saturday, May 3, 2008

Discontent In The Venezuelan Military

According to a blog entry 'Panfletos en cuarteles: ¿Descontento en la F.A.N?' opposition to Chavez in the Venezuelan military is growing. The flyers in question list seven grievences against the red paratrooper's government:

1. Support for Colombia's FARC.
2. Wanting to destroy the National Armed Forces & substitute them with reserves loyal only to the "revolution".
3. Destroying the morals, ethics, & institutions of the Armed Forces & substituting them with a political party doctrines.
4. Support for internal subversives that engage in murder, kidnapping, & extorsion.
5. Giving away money to other countries while Venezuela remains poor.
6. Forming paramilitary groups that threaten the people.
7. Trying to substitute the National Guard with a Revolutionary National Police.

Each point is framed as a question asking, why don't we rebel?

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