Sunday, October 19, 2008

Is it "anti-Venezuelan crap" to point out that things have gone seriously wrong? Don't think so!

VHeadline editor & publisher Roy S. Carson writes: I cannot do anything other than to bow to the intellectual superiority of recent critic, Bryan Emmel, an eminent scholar with a Master's Degree in Counselling and undergrad majors in Spanish and Social Sciences as well as being a declared Socialist currently resident in western Minnesota.

Describing himself as a "retired male" (frankly, I cannot really understand how one can retire from one's sexuality!), he describes my recent editorial utterances as "BARF!!!" and more of my "anti-Venezuelan crap" and then proceeds to tell me to "get a job stealing purses"! WOW!

Bryan (I trust he doesn't mind me addressing him on first name terms), gets himself in a tizzy admitting that "The whole World has come to know that the United States has put operatives into Venezuela in an attempt to destabilize the government because they just don't want to do things the way we (I presume that by usage of the Royal WE, he means "we," the United States) tell them to do them. If Chavez throws them out of the country then professional boo-hoo boys, such as yourself, work to affect public opinion..."
  • In an additional venting of his academic spleen, counsels me to "find a new career!" He adds that "this Chavez bashing stuff that you apparently get paid to do can't last long!"
So let's look more closely at Master's Degree in Counselling, Social Services undergrad, retired male, Bryan's own utterances...

I could, I suppose, write them off with an equivalent BARF!!! and I could also suggest a career change of his own, although he's already declared that he's retired as a male of this species ... but does he REALLY REALLY want me to resort to "stealing purses" especially if he is deluded enough to think that I actually get paid to write what he opines is "anti-Venezuelan crap"?

I don't think so since, as a declared Socialist, my best guess is that he upholds the principles of Socialism and believes in democracy, constitutionality and the rule of law! Of course, of he equates Socialism to Stalinism, we have a real problem here.

Does he really, truly believe that democracy -- Venezuelan democracy in particular since it is my central focus, and not that aberration they call democracy in the United States of America -- is served any by being blinkered to reality? Does Bryan underestimate the intellectual capabilities of readers around the world to make up their own minds, to evaluate information all on their own ... or does it necessitate the intervention of superior intellects from Minnesota with a string of certificates suitably framed and hung on the wall?

Okay, I am suitably chastised! It is my own sheer folly that I subscribe to the concept of free opinions -- rightly or wrongly held -- who am I to decide? I don't hold a Master's Degree in anything other than from the university of life-long learning and work experience reporting from the streets ... NOT, I might add, financed by stealing purses or accepting pieces of silver from governments or political pressure groups. Strange though, how the bashers trot out the Judas accusations at the drop of a hat, and I make no allusions to the probability that they themselves consider themselves willing to to sell their souls for corrupt shekels.

The BARF!!! of which Bryan complains, however, appears to be my defense of a man, a career politician with decades of experience, who took the decision to step down from a prestigious position as Venezuela's then Ambassador to the United Nations on a matter of principle. My personal opinion of the man is that he is honorable ... justified in the sacrifice he shouldered when he handed in his ambassadorial accreditation to protest what he perceived to be blatant corruption and mismanagement in the administration back home and President Hugo Chavez Frias' unwillingness/inability to deal with the cancer that was already then growing in Chavez' otherwise admirable advancement towards an egalitarian 21st Century Socialism -- again NOT to be confused with Stalinism or reds-under-the-bed McCarthy paranoia.

Chavez himself has said that he wants to see an implementation of his famous 3xRs (Rectification, Revision and Reform) and he admitted right form the very start of his presidency that he was not "Mandrake the Magician" and relied extensively on the grassroots Venezuelan people to achieve his ambitions for a new future for that beautiful country and beautiful people that make up what we know as Venezuela.
But is it "anti-Venezuelan crap" to point out that things have gone seriously wrong? Should a plethora of other writers and myself, go steal purses or seek career change because we dare to mention the fact that the very corruption that President Hugo Chavez pledged to deal with when he successfully stood for election in early December 1998?
Don't think so!
And I don't for a moment think that President Hugo Chavez himself thinks so either since he KNOWS he has the support of the grassroots people of Venezuela and that they are the ultimate force for democracy in Venezuela that the malicious manipulators, back-stabbers and false-flagged 'Chavistas' in his own administration seem to have forgotten about or completely ignore in their headlong quest for personal advantage without regard for the needs, the rights and respect for their fellow citizens.

So, my dear Bryan Emmel, does it mean that we who dare to pin-point the errors, we who question the motives of the manipulators, we who have also pledged our un-paid passions for the total ethos of Venezuelan democracy, Venezuelan constitutionality and Venezuelan Rule of Law ... that you, and others, will brand us a traitors, Judases and paid-for pen-assassins by virtue of the fact that we do NOT necessarily view the world to your particular dictate?

Roy S. Carson


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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