Monday, October 20, 2008

Bolivar State Governor Francisco Rangel Gomez visits paralyzed mining communities to rally PSUV support for re-election

VHeadline Venezuela News reports: Re-election campaigning Bolivar State, Governor Francisco Rangel Gomez, has braved cloudbursts to visit incredibly impoverished mining communities in the south of the Guayana development region in an effort to rally support for his United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) candidacy for a second term in office.

During a rather wet walk-about in Las Claritas he said that in order to continue promoting the revolutionary process initiated by the central government of President Hugo Chavez Frias, the only solution is support for PSUV. He was accompanied through flooded streets by Sifontes Mayor, Marlene Vargas along Interstate 10 leading to Santa Elena de Uairen on the Brazil/Venezuela border to get (he claimed) "a first hand appreciation of the views and needs of the local inhabitants."

  • Also on the trip were members of Rangel Gomez, regional executive including Bolivar Legislature deputies Francisco Jimenez and Yaritza Aray, as well as Vincent Rojas who is standing as candidate for election to the regional parliament in November 23 elections.

Rangel took the opportunity to inspect construction work undertaken by transnational Crystallex International at the area hospital in cooperation with the Venezuelan Guayana Corporation (CVG) and visited an educational unit located in the Santo Domingo community to determine requirements by students and staff in response to requests from Las Claritas residents heading his re-election campaign.

Rangel expressed himself grateful for the warm reception he had had in Santo Domingo, El Dorado and areas surrounding Las Claritas. Quoted in the regional newspaper La Nueva Prensa he said "I am very pleased by the welcome and support ... it is incredible to see how, even with rain, so many stayed with us and toured the streets."

In conclusion he said that his regional government's management of of the HidroBolivar water supply utility is implementing opening up a water treatment plant at El Dorado to provide mains supplies to the southern community. "Since it was established in 2006, HidroBolivar has been working to get piped water supplies to all sectors, including those that are very remote from El Dorado, where some 8,000 currently receive water via a pipeline."

Mayor Marlene Vargas told reporters that Rangel Gomez is "a leader committed to humanitarian and management action to resolve the problems of the Bolivar State population ... not even a deluge of rain could stop him today! Governor Rangel is aware of the housing shortage in Las Claritas and has promised that by next year we will have an efficient housing project in place."

VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


1 comment:

  1. It's almost amusing in an absurd kind of way that Rangel would go to Las Claritas -- a town who's future entirely depends on the Las Cristinas/Brisas mines -- to campaign for votes and not a single word is mentioned about the Las Cristinas/Brisas projects? It was my understanding that both Rangel and Mayor Vargas, who accompanied him, were both strongly in support of the Las Cristinas/Brisas projects.
