Thursday, July 3, 2008

Venezuela's Environment Minister admits there's not enough money left in her kitty!

VHeadline Venezuela News reports: Venezuela's Environment Minister Yubiri Ortega de Carrizales has admitted that her ministry is going for bust after compensation claims by evicted residents of Mata Redonda and La Punta (close to Lake Valencia in central Aragua State) ordered by the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) three years ago remain unsettled. Minister Ortega de Carrizales says the 500 families and a re-housing project must remain on hold until the central government comes to her rescue with an extra appropriation of 200 million bolivares -- US$80 million -- since, she admits, there's no money left in the kitty! In an attempt to postpone the inevitable she has ordered Ministry accountants to review the compensation claims to eliminate any unnecessary expenditures.

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen anything as slow as the Venezuela Government. All they do is make usless promises and don't keep any of them The country is so backwards and so far behind it will never catch up. Everybody wants to lead and nobody has a clue of how to go about it . Chavez in my book is all talk ,promises , promises .Maybe if he would fulfill some of them , he might have a chance of staying in as the future president . Also ,quit bitching about the United States all the time and tend to his buisness. He has a loud mouth and people are getting sick and tired of hearing him run off at the mouth. Action Mr. President, action is going to make you or break you and , from where I sit , yopur just about history. Empty promises , hot air .You better wake up and smell the roses , time is not on your side anymore ,more and more each day you are letting the people that was on your side down , yes down. You my friend were suppose to help them and as usual, you keep letting them down . They will remember what you said to them and they will also turn against you every day as you don't deliver . I thought you was going to be a great leader and do good to your people, where have you gone , are you here , do you hear your people ? I think you should clean your ears so you can hear them calling on you for all the things you promised . Venezuela don't have food ? Chavezs dosen't look like he has lost any weight from missing meals. Nor does any of the other do gooders . How in the hell can a country be so out of touch ? No food , no milk ? Chavez emports guns and planes to do what ? If the United States wants to over take Venezuela , you wouldn't stand a chance in hell. Quit emporting crap and emport food for your people .How stupid and backwards can you get ? Your people come first , you better wake up and get your self in gear and quit running around the world mouthing off , your time is running out and your still wasting it. Your bringing your self down and your are too dumb to see it. What a fool your are . This is how I feel , I can imagine how all the people feel . Ya , ya ya , Promises , promises , ya, ya .
