Thursday, July 3, 2008

A complete betrayal of the Colombian socialist revolution by so-called allies

VHeadline commentarist Kenneth T. Tellis writes: In the last few months one reads of those who believe that winding down FARC and returning as a political party will solve the problems of Colombia. That is simply a fallacy, because past experience has proven otherwise.

Anyone remember Salvador Allende Goosens? He believed that the ballot box could give him power and that revolutions were not needed, but found out that was only a ploy used by capitalism. Yes, Allende won a fair election, except that the capitalists were not going to allow him to rule Chile. They set the assassination and overthrow of the elected government of Chile with outside help.

Does anyone believe that Colombia will be any different to Chile, if a socialist government were ever elected? Why can’t Chavez see the reality of the capitalists maneuvers? Has he not learned that they never respect democracy nor really further it? Democracy to the capitalists is a means to an end. That end is to seize power by any means, and establish a one party state, where tyranny rules and democracy exists in name only.

The recent release of the hostages in Colombia was carried out by U.S. and Colombian forces. FARC having been betrayed by those who claimed to be part of the Bolivarian Revolution did not have a chance. They were without doubt helpless under against the money and power of not just the puppet Colombian government, but also the U.S. FARC should not throw in the towel, but continue the armed struggle against the vichyite government that was installed in Colombia by the U.S. or the people of Colombia will end up like those of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Thus the FARC struggle in Colombia must go on to a victory for the people of Colombia against foreign masters. Let those who dare to believe that democracy is possible in Colombia dream on, because that will never happen under the present conditions. But FARC has proven that loosely knit groups cannot fight an armed struggle without total coordination of all its forces. A central command with covert links, not overt operations as that which have taken place since the March 1, 2008 assault in Ecuador by the U.S. Special Forces. But efforts must be made to launch of necessary attacks within the U.S. itself, as the U.S. is now involved within Colombia.

There must be no neutrality for the U.S., but an all-out war on it.

Kenneth T. Tellis


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.

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