Thursday, July 17, 2008

Venezuelan President Chavez Frias is on the cusp of making important changes in his Cabinet line-up!

VHeadline Venezuela News reports:
Today's editions of El Universal claim that President Chavez Frias is on the cusp of making important changes in his Cabinet line-up with Vice President Ramon Carrizalez about to throw in the towel for "health reasons."

It is unofficially understood that he is being offered an ambassadorship to Moscow which may be announced in conjunction with President Hugo Chavez' arrival in Moscow on July 22.

It is also understood the Foreign Minister (MRE) Nicolas Maduro is about to stand down to be replaced by former Labor Minister and current United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) key executive Maria Cristina Iglesias.

Although there has not yet been any confirmation, it is considered credible that breaking news on Carrizalez' controversial wife, Environment (MinAmb) Minister Yubiri Ortega de Carrizalez disappearing from the National Executive is a prelude to the establishment of a specific Mines Ministry, combining some of the faculties of the MinAmb and Mibam organizations) under the tutelage of current Venezuelan Guayana Corporation (CVG) president and Basic Industries & Mining Minister Rodolfo Sanz.

Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.

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