Thursday, July 3, 2008

Venezuelan National Assembly deputy tells VHeadline that Guayana miners are ready for rebellion!

VHeadline Venezuela News: In an exclusive interview with National Assembly (AN) deputy for Bolivar State, Juan Jose Molina, VHeadline correspondent John Sanchez has been told that mining communities in the southeastern region of Guayana "are getting more than frustrated" with continuing delays in kickstarting the giant Las Cristinas gold mine contracted out by the state-owned Venezuelan Guayana Corporation (CVG) under a mine operating contract with the Toronto-based Crystallex International Corporation.

Molina, who represents the Podemos (We Can) Party in the national parliament, says local miners are sick to the teeth of not getting answers from Environment Ministry (MinAmb) officials and much less with the total lack of response to enquiries made to the Basic Industries & Mining (Mibam) Ministry where Minister Rodolfo Sanz has imposed a hermetic gag-order on all ministry officials including the CVG-Minerven president Luis Herrera who has been dealing with the controversial departure from Venezuela of Idaho-USA-based Hecla Mining and central government plans for its interests to be secunded to the Russian Agapov Group's Russoro Mining.

Following a series of meetings with local miners in the Sifontes municipality, Molina says that union leaders feel they are being undermined by incessant delays and that government officials are running around like headless chickens without directives from either the state capital, Ciudad Bolivar or from Caracas. "It is as Caracas believes the south of the country is still only running a jungle telegraph ... the situation is so bad that even as a member of the legislature I am unable to contact any responsible executive at any of the ministries ... they simply ignore the questions or they don't return calls."

VHeadline had no problems contacting deputy Molina on his cellphone this afternoon as he was traveling through the south of the country close to Santa Elina de Uairen on the Brazilian border.

"Quite simply, everyone in the communities are asking me why the central government appears to be doing nothing to get these projects started and to let them have jobs -- as many as 12,000 could get direct jobs immediately and thousands more family members would benefit, but all they get to know from the so-called responsible officials is precisely NOTHING!"

Although his party had previously shared President Hugo Chavez Frias' ambitions for a peaceful Bolivarian Revolution and still remains on the left of the political divide, Molina says the current situation in his constituency is an example of government incompetence which will most assuredly lead to a rout for the President's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in November 23 local and regional elections. "The people are thoroughly fed up with unfulfilled promises from day-visitors from Caracas who seem more to be on tourist trips than to do or achieve anything significant. They put in an appearance, say a few comforting words about this and that and then go away and forget about us," he said.

"Local miners are at the point of rebellion," Molina assures. "They want to see significant action now ... they don;t believe in any promises of tomorrow or in 20 days ... they see no point in further delays when the whole mining industry is crying out for jobs which could be made possible by the single stroke of a pen ... already many of them are drifting back to illegal mining operations and it will take a great deal of effort to have them understand that while the government wants to impose regulations, there is little or no benefit for them or their state of intense poverty ... these miners will remember it when they go to the ballot box in November and the President and the Environment and Mining Ministers had better get the message loud and clear NOW!"

VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.

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