Friday, June 6, 2008

Venezuelan Pilots Training in Cuba

Although this is nothing new, once more it is being confirmed that the isle of Cuba, under the totalitarian Marxist-Leninist regime of the Castro brothers, is a Russian base of operations in terms of what the Soviet Union was. And this is confirmed now that, as has been published by the media, the Venezuelan government of Hugo Chávez, an ally of the Castro Marxist-Leninist dictatorship, resorts to the Cuban regime for help in training the Venezuelan pilots that are going to fly the new planes that the Venezuelan Air Force bought last year from Russia. These are the same planes that Cuba has had for many years with all the resources for their maintenance. Not only does the Chávez government depend on its alliance with the Cuban dictatorship for its air force, but also with respect to training in guerrilla warfare for which it has publicly requested the collaboration of the Cuban tyranny. It is humiliating for the Venezuelan armed forces that in terms of aviation and also jungle warfare – which is actually what guerrilla warfare is – its government has called upon its Cuban communist ally to strengthen its military. One thing is to send officers abroad for advanced military courses and another, very different, is what is happening now between the governments of Caracas and Havana.

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