Monday, June 23, 2008

Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- June 23, 2008

President Chavez has publicly attacked opposition groups in Tachira and other border States, who are preparing to use the secessionist pistol against Venezuela. The President made the statement while presenting local candidates of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). Referring to the situation in Bolivia, Chavez says the authorities of Santa Cruz province are dividing Bolivia and acting as though they were already a Republic.

Speaking about alliances, the President calls on minor partners to integrate into a single party, admitting that he respects their right to have their own concerns. In a blistering attack, Chavez accuses the left in Venezuela of always dividing the people with attitudes that are "really counter-revolutionary." That is what happened in the 20th century, he proclaims, and the result was always a popular defeat.

The barb on unity and divisionary attitudes is aimed specifically at the Communist Party (PCV) for launching its own candidate to the governorship of Tachira State.

Chavez also gave a final farewell to both Guarico Governor, Eduardo Manuitt, who has adopted an opposition position to the official PSUV candidate to replace him and Carabobo Governor Acosta Carlez for the same reasons.

The new College of Journalists (CNP) president, William Echeverria has called on President Chavez to open a dialog with the new board of directors. The dialog will center on with human rights abuses against freedom of expression, Echeverria claims, based on a report from an NGO naming the victims of 126 abuses against freedom of expression. Echeverria has promised to revamp the internal structure of the CNP to bring it up to date with modern demands.

The Venezuelan Group of the Latin American Parliament has condemned the European Union return Directive that rules on forced return of illegal nationals from third countries to their countries of origin. The declaration was launched within the framework of The Day of Latin American Unity. Parliament president, Victor Chirinos calls the directive a "human aberration" and "highly questionable."

Patrick J. O'Donoghue

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