Friday, June 13, 2008

Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- June 13, 2008

President Chavez has come out in support of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) official candidate for Guarico State, Willian Lara. Commenting on reactions to the primaries by current State Governor Manuel Manuitt, Chavez says the conflictive Manuitt has practically put himself outside the party and is a "false revolutionary." The State Governor was hoping that his daughter would be elected candidate but she came second. Chavez insists that if the daughter had won the elections, she would have been the candidate but now that Willian Lara has won, everybody must support him.

The Venezuelan army has announced that it has destroyed 180 clandestine airplane landing strips used by narco-trafficking rings. Army operational strategic command chief, General Jesus Gonzalez reports the seizure of 25.3 tonnes of drugs during the first stage of the operation, which started in March ... 15.5 tons were cocaine, 9.3 marijuana and the rest assorted drugs, such as heroin and crack cocaine. The statement was made during a guided tour of journalists to the latest dismantled runway strip situated in the Uverito Forest reserve in southern Monagas. In the last couple of days, Gonzalez states, the army has identified and destroyed 17 clandestine airstrips costing $2.8 million. Reporters were treated to an exhibition by the new Russian Sukhoi-30 fighter planes.

Among the industrial sectors welcoming President Chavez' measures to give the economy a new lift-off is Federation of Small and Medium Industries (Fedeindustria) president, Miguel Perez Abad, who calls the proposals "very powerful.". Perez Abad states that it was also the first time since 2002 that representatives of small and medium industries, the industrial sector, banking sector and the government have met together in a forum. Measures, such as making exchange controls easier and setting up a special fund, as well as workshops, are clear signs of change in the government. The topic of inflation was also discussed at the meeting, he adds, and forecasts improvements to the economy with the announcement of revision and re-impulse of the productive sector.

President Chavez attended a special ceremony for workers belonging to the government's Barrio Adentro health scheme. Dentists and nurses were given an official classification of their posts and all workers received payment of passive liabilities owing them. The President told his audience that he wanted to ensure ethical standards in the new public health system and popular clinics and implement a real integral, preventive and human medicine to avoid it to an ending up as just a model of the old Fourth Republic.

Speaking at a United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) rally in Cumana, Sucre, President Chavez launched a severe attack on the current pro-government Sucre State government calling it a "real Mafia." Chavez calls on the socialist candidates and battalion members to work in unity for the elections. Describing the importance of Sucre State, Chavez maintains that the USA is putting into place groups of supposedly beneficial institutions. The President contends that narco-trafficking rings have also come to nest in Sucre and neighboring Margarita Island masquerading as investors, false businessmen and presidents of beneficial institutions. Chavez slams Sucre State Governor, Ramon Martinez a "traitor" and forecasts that the PSUV candidate, Enrique Maestre will replace him in the November elections.

During the rally, the President outlined part of election campaign organization based on military lines ordering the reactivation of " patrols," consisting of 50 party members and the creation of what he calls the "Socialist brigades" made up of one to nine battalions. The President says a brigade could become a kind of resistance group to act in case the opposition starts to set up mobile street barricades or other destabilizing activities. Each brigade will organize logistic patrols for each voting centre.

The Catholic school system known as Fe y Alegria has been undertaking actions highlighting the fact that the government has not been paying its agreed subsidies to the organisation, which is based in popular rural and urban areas. Protests have taken place in front of the Education Ministry with teachers urging concrete solutions on the part of Deputy Minister, Gisela Toro, who has been trying to delay dealing with the problem by stating that it will take a month to report on the resources available for the organisation. The leadership of the school system says it will try to avoid affecting classes and is holding meetings with parents associations to find the best way of lobbying and influencing the government towards a speedy solution. Fe y Alegria is one of the few independent groups that has a proven record in popular education.

According to news reports, the Colombian government could seek through its Supreme Court of Justice the services of Britain's Scotland Yard to review the laptops, supposedly belonging to slain leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), Raul Reyes. The suggestion comes after the Colombian police passed files supposedly showing connections between the FARC and top officials of the Ecuadorian and Venezuelan government to the Supreme Court of Justice. The president of the court , Francisco Ricaurte states that an Interpol report has indicated that some of the files have been manipulated and for that reason a verification of the file authenticity is necessary. Scotland Yard has been suggested as the natural choice to determine if the manipulation has had any other side-effects.

Patrick J. O'Donoghue


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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