Friday, June 20, 2008

Once pointing fingers, now in the dock; Landaeta is formally accused of forgery

Caracas Daily Journal (Jeremy Morgan): The accusers are suddenly defendants in the long-running saga starting with the assassination of State Prosecutor Danilo Anderson in November 2004 as he investigated suspects in connection with the crisis which had briefly removed President Hugo Chavez from office two years before.

On Thursday, ex-prosecutor Gilberto Landaeta, once on the team investigating Anderson's death, went to the State Prosecutors Office to be formally accused of forging documents. He was the latest in a growing list of people linked with the case who are now on the receiving end of charges.

Giovanny Vásquez de Armas, once the "star witness" in the case in the belief that he'd overheard people plotting to kill Anderson, was formally charged on Wednesday. His role in the case did an abrupt about-turn when he failed to stand up to the claim in testimony to prosecutors.

In an extraordinary outburst earlier this week, Vasquez de Armas' attorney, Morly Uzcategui, said his client should stand trial, but reportedly gave a more forgiving tone in court.

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