Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lawyer Gilberto Landaeta claims case closed ... sees charges as part of ‘media show’

Caracas Daily Journal (Jeremy Morgan): Lawyer Gilberto Landaeta, who was charged this week of false testimony in connection with the case of slain prosecutor Danilo Anderson, said the case against the suspected instigators of the killing had been closed. He described his being charged in a case that was closed as "paradoxical" and said he had no fear about going to jail as the result of a "media show" against himself. "This is the thesis of the world in reverse to Galileo," he told the Globovision website. Several other suspects including the one-time "star witness" of the investigation, Giovanny Vasquez de Armas, are accused of forging documents or not testifying truthfully in connection with the investigation of Anderson's death in November 2004. Anderson was leading on investigation of people allegedly linked to the crisis which briefly ousted President Hugo Chavez in April 2002. Landaeta was a prosecutor on the investigating team. Also accused is former judge Gumer Quintata, who is said to have handled court hearings connected with the case.

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