Monday, June 9, 2008

Houston Chronicle: Another voice: Let voters handle Chavez

After Venezuelans rejected Hugo Chavez's attempt to amend the constitution and install himself as president in perpetuity, he vowed nonetheless to concentrate power in his hands. And he has, in predictably socialist ways. On a nationalizing spree, the government is swallowing up telecommunications and electricity industries, energy and steel. Chavez's latest move, however, has nothing to do with the redistribution of wealth and everything to do with one man's paranoia. A new intelligence decree requires the public to assist the secret police and other organizations with their investigations or face up to four years in prison. The best course now for Washington is to do nothing. Venezuelans beat back Chavez's first power grab, defeating his constitutional referendum in December, and there is already vigorous opposition to the intelligence decree. For the U.S. to interfere would only validate Chavez's suspicions and weaken the opposition.

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